Maundy Thursday / anniversary number three

I think yesterday marks the first time that my sister and I have ever spent Holy Week away from home. (It also marked my three-year anniversary with Rap, but more on that later.)

Sort of spontaneously, Cait and I decided to get these tattoos. Guess which wrists are mine.

We drew these on ourselves using a cone of henna ink that I stumbled upon in Little India during our visit to Singapore. I'm so glad we bought it! It was three for ten Singaporean dollah, so that translates to about P106 each cone. Considering that there's still a lot of ink left, I'd say it's a pretty good deal. Here's what it looks like:

Like I said, it was my third anniversary with Rap that day. Unfortunately for us, it happened to fall on Maundy Thursday, so most of the restaurants around the city were closed. We ended up spending our anniversary evening at a crowded Jamba Juice down by Serendra.

But before that, while we were walking around, Rap presented to me his "special surprise" from Korea:

It's a stamp, with The Little Prince on the side. At the bottom:

"Doctor Aimee" in Korean. (I'm holding it sideways in the picture.) It looks like this when stamped:

Really, how awesome is that!?! And when he gave it to me, he recited to me a passage from The Little Prince, the one where the prince is talking about his rose. Sighhhh. I teared up. (Okay this is a very condensed version of the events of that night. I'm writing as little as possible because I have to go get lunch soon!)

It's a really wonderful present. I'm pretty excited to buy a red stamp pad and just go stamp-crazy all over everything I own. Thank you, Rap!

Anyway, enough mushiness. I went to the rheumatologist the other day, and the results were kind of bad. She used an ultrasound on my elbows and knuckles and found some signs of early bone erosion. So we have to do aggressive treatment from now on, which will primarily consist of IV infusions once a month, in addition to strong painkillers and this capsule called methotrexate. Dear God, all of this is really, really expensive. But I'm really happy to be receiving a lot of encouragement and support from the people around me. I'm more than ready to say goodbye to my stupid painful flare-ups before med school starts. Bye, arthritis! 


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