trivial post #4

I had to put my blogging spree on hold because of today's Physiology exam. The exam covered the respiratory and renal systems. In short, I've spent the past three days holed up in my condo and the past three nights in Matteo Ricci trying to cram all the information I can into my decreasing supply of brain cells. I've been eating a lot of junk food too, which is what I tend to do when I study Physio, and I try to rationalize this by telling myself that I'll burn off all the calories anyway because of all the brainwork I'll be doing. But nope. Three days ago I went to Rustan's to buy myself some study food. After a long debate with myself about the best type of chocolate to purchase (nuts or no nuts? milk or dark?) In the end, the winner proved to be a bar of hazeulnut Lindt. It was pretty big (and, at P98, was kind of expensive) so I thought it would last me a week or two. Who the hell was I trying to kid? I finished it in a day. Mmmm. . . . Monday was m...