trivial post #2

I came in late for the first of two quizzes in my Philosophy class today. I love the class (we talked about the possible reasons why evil exists in the world) but I hate that it's so damn early! Eh. Sir Tolentino makes it worthwhile, anyway.

Then as soon as the bell rang, Rap, Bel, and I made a mad dash for his car. At 9:00 AM, the traffic going from Ateneo to ASMPH was not so bad, and the drive there took only about 20 minutes.

Upon arriving at my top choice of med school, I expected some wave of emotion to wash over me as I eyed that iconic red brick facade. I don't know what I was waiting for, perhaps some sort of ache in the pit of my heart, an ache that symbolized not congenital heart disease but an intense longing to be accepted into this school of schools. There was nothing though. Rushing through the scorching hot parking lot and into the cool shade of the lobby, my heart was steady as a rock.

The wait for my turn took about forty minutes. When finally my number was called, I approached the counter, turned over my documents, watched the in-charge skim through my recommendation letters, and then handed over my payment for the application fee. The guy then returned to me a receipt and a piece of paper that proved I had completed the document checklist. I waited for a while as he proceeded to shuffle through some papers, and when he said nothing, I asked, "Okay na ba?" and he told me, "Yes." I returned to my seat to gather my things and leave.

I don't know what I was expecting to happenPerhaps some mysterious, cryptic sign from the universe telling me that I was on the right track, like a secret thumbs-up from God. Perhaps the heavens would open up just a tiny bit, very quiet trumpets would play, a small "Welcome Home!" banner would unroll, and angels with stethoscopes would descend very inconspicuously down to where I sat, where I sat waiting and waiting and waiting.

But there was nothing. I walked back across the steaming parking lot and into Rap's car, heart unfluttered, world unshaken.

. . .

Okay, that about concludes it for today's post, even though some more trivial things happened later on. Lunch was at North Park (why the hell do I feel the need to point this out?), and I finally got my damn tooth fixed! The stupid thing has been bugging me since October. My temporary filling fell out, leaving a pretty big hole in two adjacent molars. I should have had it fixed three months ago, but it's a long story that involves my dentist continually putting it off.

I also got to watch School of Rock on HBO. Still an awesome movie.

Good night!


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