trivial post #3

I almost didn't graduate today.

I woke up at 6:30 AM and hit the snooze button, only to remember when I woke up hours later the reason why I set my alarm so early in the first place: I hadn't studied for my Theo orals yet. That's okay, I thought. Even though I woke up much later than I should have, I still had four hours left to study. Four hours to internalize seven theses statements. 

At 11:30, after having learned only two theses and doing a lot of non-studying, my phone beeped. It was a scheduled reminder that I had put in, reminding me about my orals at 12:00.

My world stopped. 12? But my orals weren't until 1! I read and I re-read that damn reminder five times before it really sunk in. My orals weren't in two hours, they were in 20 minutes. And I wasn't ready.

So I forsook a shower, yanked on the first things I saw in my closet, and made a mad dash to the Theo department. Waiting for my turn outside Ray's office, I was a nervous wreck. I tried going over my notes, a sad attempt at learning the other 5 theses, but they made absolutely no sense to me at that point. The fact that I nearly missed my orals rattled me up too bad. I couldn't stop thinking about how close I had come to missing my exam and, as an effect, not graduating.

But I guess this was one of those days where I get a lucky break. Because the only two thesis statements that I studied turned out to be the only ones I was asked to explain. Wow.

Lunch was at the ISO caf, where they serve paco (pako?) salad! The food is good but sometimes you can actually end up spending just as much there as you do in JSEC, and the portions are bigger at JSEC. If you're looking to score a cheap meal, take an e-jeep down to the LST caf!

Lit class came later at 4:30, and here's what it looked like:

That's Dr. Abad, the really nice old teacher I told you about in a previous post.

And then class ended at 6. I went home and then worked on my financial aid forms a bit. Rap's night class ended early, so we drove to McDo to get some ice cream.

And that's today.

Oh, and I'm going to my first med school interview tomorrow at UERM. Homaygad. I'm not so nervous though. Probably because nearly missing my orals and almost not graduating have thoroughly depleted my supply of the jitters.


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