trivial post #1
I have no picture to show for today so here is an old picture of a doodle of a bear. In a space suit.
My new year's resolution is to write some more, even if it means senseless and boring stuff that nobody wants to read. Like this.
The thing is that I want a future version of me to be able to read this post and remember how she was back when she was 20, standing on the brink of her college life and looking down into the vast unknown that is Everything that Comes After Graduation.
I mean yes, I know that med school comes after graduation. But I also want to go on an exchange, maybe even put off med school for a year just to do so. Partially I want to work too. Return to Cagayan de Oro, immerse myself in a menial job like doing inventory for my uncle's hardware store, or taking orders for my lola's karinderia. I don't know.
Well whatever it is, I'm certainly not going to decide tonight. It seems like the rest of my life right now hinges on the results of my med school applications, and those won't be out until late February. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for ASMPH though. I know my parents are sad to hear this. I know they want me to stay at home with them. I still might, if ASMPH and UE prove to be a bust.
Argh, enough about that. My project now is to document on my blog the trivial little details of my everyday life. That's what my blog used to be about when I was a freshman, and I want to return to that happy little state when I would just write and write and not care about what the person reading my blog would think. Because that was back when nobody read my blog. Now I have friends who do, and I get nervous sometimes when I write, thinking about what I should say that will please them.
Now I've decided - to hell with that. I'll be myself, whether you like it or not.
So here are the Boring Little Details of Today:
Today is a Wednesday, and on Wednesdays, my only class starts at 4:30 in the afternoon. It's my elective, Philippine Literature, and it's taught by Gemino Abad (check it out, the guy's got a Wikipedia page!). He's a very wonderful old man. I love to listen to him read poetry and talk about writing.
Anyway, so because my class doesn't happen until very late in the afternoon, I spent the morning figuring out how to go about writing the discussion of my thesis with my thesis group.
Lunch was a Piesto wrap from SaWrap at JSEC. Pretty yummy. (I realize that this is the first time I've ever documented what I had for lunch. It isn't a very interesting thing to read.)
Then I crammed a weird paper for my weird Health Sci class. I say it's weird because it's about heroism and love and The Last King of Scotland and not really about Health Sci. Health Sci classes are weird like that. But they are rewarding, in the end.
My cramming session was interrupted by a meeting with my AIESEC guy, Justin. We talked about foreign exchanges and stuff. It made me want to go on an exchange really bad. Bad enough to want to put med school on hold.
Back to cramming after that. Then Rap and I went to the Health Sci dep to submit our weird, crammed papers, and we found baby Cameron wobbling his way across the SEC-A field with his grandmother. Cameron is Ma'am Lua's baby boy, and he hangs out at the department a lot. I think he's about a year old. His grandmother said he would grow up to be a doctor. Maybe it's because he's always surrounded by the Health Sci kids (and faculty). He was playing around with Rap's med school application forms earlier.
Lit class at 4:30 was unremarkable, particularly because I didn't read the stuff I was supposed to read. That's a feeling I have come to really hate: showing up to Lit class without having read the stuff. It makes me feel guilty all the time because my teacher is such a nice guy, and it makes him sad when we don't read. And seeing him sad is worse than seeing him mad (which hasn't happened yet) because... Because I don't know, it just is. I hate it when old people are sad.
My dad also called me up today and asked me if I wanted to come home after my final exam. Because really, after Feb 28, there's nothing left for me to do officially but wait until graduation, which is on March 29. That leaves a three-week gap for bumming around. The question is, do I want to bum around in Manila or do I want to bum around in CDO? In the end I decided to stay in Manila. Now I really have to go on those out-of-town trips my friends and I have always wanted to go on.
Tonight, I'm discussing the meals situation with some of my friends for this Saturday's climb to Pico de Loro. God, I feel like Rap for blogging about stuff like that. Mountain stuff. But yes, I'm blogging about mountain stuff. Because I'm climbing a mountain. As usual I'm being such a dorky dork by asking Rap, my official group leader for the climb, all sorts of weird questions like whether it's all right to pre-mix my salt and pepper. But hey, I'm actually excited. For a mountain thing.
I never thought I'd be excited for a mountain thing.
I have totally put off reading Paul Ricour's "Evil" for this post. Time to study up because I have two tests tomorrow.
OH YEAH. I'm also submitting my ASMPH application tomorrow!!!
AND I'm finally getting my damn tooth filled!!! Thank you, conveniently located dentist on the second floor of my condominium building!!!
The thing is that I want a future version of me to be able to read this post and remember how she was back when she was 20, standing on the brink of her college life and looking down into the vast unknown that is Everything that Comes After Graduation.
I mean yes, I know that med school comes after graduation. But I also want to go on an exchange, maybe even put off med school for a year just to do so. Partially I want to work too. Return to Cagayan de Oro, immerse myself in a menial job like doing inventory for my uncle's hardware store, or taking orders for my lola's karinderia. I don't know.
Well whatever it is, I'm certainly not going to decide tonight. It seems like the rest of my life right now hinges on the results of my med school applications, and those won't be out until late February. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for ASMPH though. I know my parents are sad to hear this. I know they want me to stay at home with them. I still might, if ASMPH and UE prove to be a bust.
Argh, enough about that. My project now is to document on my blog the trivial little details of my everyday life. That's what my blog used to be about when I was a freshman, and I want to return to that happy little state when I would just write and write and not care about what the person reading my blog would think. Because that was back when nobody read my blog. Now I have friends who do, and I get nervous sometimes when I write, thinking about what I should say that will please them.
Now I've decided - to hell with that. I'll be myself, whether you like it or not.
So here are the Boring Little Details of Today:
Today is a Wednesday, and on Wednesdays, my only class starts at 4:30 in the afternoon. It's my elective, Philippine Literature, and it's taught by Gemino Abad (check it out, the guy's got a Wikipedia page!). He's a very wonderful old man. I love to listen to him read poetry and talk about writing.
Anyway, so because my class doesn't happen until very late in the afternoon, I spent the morning figuring out how to go about writing the discussion of my thesis with my thesis group.
Lunch was a Piesto wrap from SaWrap at JSEC. Pretty yummy. (I realize that this is the first time I've ever documented what I had for lunch. It isn't a very interesting thing to read.)
Then I crammed a weird paper for my weird Health Sci class. I say it's weird because it's about heroism and love and The Last King of Scotland and not really about Health Sci. Health Sci classes are weird like that. But they are rewarding, in the end.
My cramming session was interrupted by a meeting with my AIESEC guy, Justin. We talked about foreign exchanges and stuff. It made me want to go on an exchange really bad. Bad enough to want to put med school on hold.
Back to cramming after that. Then Rap and I went to the Health Sci dep to submit our weird, crammed papers, and we found baby Cameron wobbling his way across the SEC-A field with his grandmother. Cameron is Ma'am Lua's baby boy, and he hangs out at the department a lot. I think he's about a year old. His grandmother said he would grow up to be a doctor. Maybe it's because he's always surrounded by the Health Sci kids (and faculty). He was playing around with Rap's med school application forms earlier.
Lit class at 4:30 was unremarkable, particularly because I didn't read the stuff I was supposed to read. That's a feeling I have come to really hate: showing up to Lit class without having read the stuff. It makes me feel guilty all the time because my teacher is such a nice guy, and it makes him sad when we don't read. And seeing him sad is worse than seeing him mad (which hasn't happened yet) because... Because I don't know, it just is. I hate it when old people are sad.
My dad also called me up today and asked me if I wanted to come home after my final exam. Because really, after Feb 28, there's nothing left for me to do officially but wait until graduation, which is on March 29. That leaves a three-week gap for bumming around. The question is, do I want to bum around in Manila or do I want to bum around in CDO? In the end I decided to stay in Manila. Now I really have to go on those out-of-town trips my friends and I have always wanted to go on.
Tonight, I'm discussing the meals situation with some of my friends for this Saturday's climb to Pico de Loro. God, I feel like Rap for blogging about stuff like that. Mountain stuff. But yes, I'm blogging about mountain stuff. Because I'm climbing a mountain. As usual I'm being such a dorky dork by asking Rap, my official group leader for the climb, all sorts of weird questions like whether it's all right to pre-mix my salt and pepper. But hey, I'm actually excited. For a mountain thing.
I never thought I'd be excited for a mountain thing.
I have totally put off reading Paul Ricour's "Evil" for this post. Time to study up because I have two tests tomorrow.
OH YEAH. I'm also submitting my ASMPH application tomorrow!!!
AND I'm finally getting my damn tooth filled!!! Thank you, conveniently located dentist on the second floor of my condominium building!!!
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