Happy New Year

       One day during my Christmas break, my mom, while digging through a bookshelf, came upon my high school Retreat Journal. Some explanation: a Retreat Journal is the final, most cumbersome requirement that a senior Kong Huanian must submit in order to graduate. Any regular senior, on the delightful fringes of a final semester in Kong Hua, would ignore the whole thing and choose instead to focus his attention on more important matters (like wooing second-year Chinese girls). But I was nerdy, and I was "passionate," and I just had to take my journals seriously.

       It's amazing, how much I have changed since then. Reading my journal felt like reading a fanfiction about my life; the characters were the same, the setting was the same, but the author was a different person entirely.

       And 2010 Me sounds like a total douchebaguette. She wrote about how she was "a fighter", about how she fought for "environmentalism" and "female empowerment." Puh-lease, you pretentious little snot from the past. The 2013 You is so much cooler.

       She does what she wants. She lives in a condo unit on the 9th floor. She colors her nails. She wakes up at eight on Wednesdays. She can make meatballs with a blender (well, two blenders and some help from her dad). She gets her meals from cans, and last night, she had a mango crepe. It was not very delicious, but she knows how to appreciate the not-so-delicious things. She also sleeps on a pull out.

       Yes, that's right. I hope you enjoy canned corn, 2010 Me, because this is what your life will become...

       ...This is what your life will become. :'|


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