an ordinary day

(Okay fine. Since everyone's been updating their blogs I guess I should as well, even if I don't have anything to write about. Hello, peer pressure!)

I woke up at 7 today in a rush to not be late for jogging at the Covered Courts. Between me and my faithful partner-in-fitness Rap, I'm usually the one who comes in late, but today it seemed like I had arrived at Ateneo first. I used that time to buy myself some two pieces of polvoron. It was a sorry excuse for a breakfast, but it would suffice.

One hurriedly-consumed polvoron later and I found myself somewhere near the Jesuit residences, jogging to Poison's Talk Dirty to Me. I noticed someone on my right whom I thought I knew. Lo and behold, I did know him; he was Sir TJ, the old moderator of my high school paper! I waved hi and greeted him happy birthday in advance.

Fast forward some thirty minutes. We were finally able to do three laps around our track, but I was too exhausted to feel any sense of accomplishment over this. (Yes this is the first time we've ever actually completed our course; on most days we rage quit after twenty minutes.) And I felt terribile. Like my lungs were filled with lead and my skin was on fire. There was a dull ache in my gut too, probably from my breakfastlessness. All in all, I wasn't feeling too good.

So I collapsed.

Just kidding! I didn't collapse. We made it back to Manang's, where I bought some real breakfast and Rap got me a bottle of pink Gatorade. After consuming both, I felt right as rain.

Biochemistry came afterwards, and it was a lecture about the topic I hate the most: signal pathways. OH MY GOD. That topic could not get any more boring if it tried. I hated it when I took Cellular and Molecular Biology, and I still hate it now that it's in my Biochem. Ma'am Terrado is a wonderful teacher, but even she couldn't make signal pathways any funner to learn. GRAH.

Lunch was a chicken wrap from the cafeteria. While most of my friends went off to their Computer Science/Political Science classes, I had three more hours to kill until my Environmental Science class. I retired to the condo and took a nap.

When 3 PM came, our E.S. teacher announced that our final exam would be next Wednesday, March 23. Upon hearing this my heart ripped open a little. "But that's when we're going to Batangas!" I cried. Not only did my block already have a trip planned, but I was also hoping to use the 22nd doing birthday-related things with my friends (which reminds me: I'M TURNING NINETEEN OH GOD!!!!). The matter was not resolved. Our teacher says she might not give us a final exam altogether, depending on how well we do on our last long test this Friday.

After a discussion on the importance of soil (yeah these are the kinds of things you learn about in ES), it was time to head home again.

Just earlier I was able to do some studying for the upcoming Biochem exam this Wednesday. I'm putting off studying the signaling pathway chapter for as long as I safely can.
Putting this picture here just so this post has a picture. :))
Told you I didn't have anything to write about.


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