my last night in the dorm

Sometimes I can get really excited over the littlest things, such as petting a puppy, deciding to have yogurt for dessert, or going for a walk outside.

BUT this is not one of those times, for I am excited not for any of those silly reasons. I am excited for this one BIG reason:

TOMORROW IS MAY 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that's not even the real reason!!! It's just an umbrella reason!!! But I emphasized it anyway!!! 


Anyway, tomorrow is May 1, and that means:
  1. No classes (which isn't a big deal to me, since my class schedule is so light, it's like I do practically nothing all day)
  3. My birthday is nigh! (Must do eighteen-year-old things while I still can!)
  4. GAME OF THRONES!!! (Just kidding, I don't watch u_u)
  5. I'M HAVING YOGURT FOR DESSERT! (Just kidding I'm not :'( )
Annnnnnd, reason of all reasons:


I've been moving my stuff out of the dorm since last night, and my friend Rap helped me finish up this afternoon. I've still got quite a lot of stuff here in the dorm, but they're just little things, like food and toilettries and school books. Mostly everything's there already, including all of my clothes (except for the ones I'm wearing lol). 

Speaking of which, it took more than five bags to contain my clothes. I'd like to get rid of the stuff I don't wear anymore (because that's the bulk of what I have), but every time I try to put something away, I keep thinking that I might need it in the future. Like the orange shirt I bought specifically for the first day of OrSem. I'm probably never going to wear it again (seeing how it's a little small now), but a part of me says that I might someday, for some reason, need a shirt that is orange, and my OrSem shirt is the only one I have. How many people actually wear orange, anyway?
My OrSem shirt with my OrSem face. (Hi, Pat!)
Anyway, I'll go move the rest of my stuff in tomorrow. There's a lot to be done, especially since the previous tenants left so much junk there, like paper bags and shoeboxes. But probably the weirdest thing I've found is this bunch of sheets stapled together that are instructions on how to do the most basic of things. The title of it is something like "Guidance in Life," and it describes in detail the most mundane everyday processes, like shampooing your hair ("1. Remove the cap from the bottle. 2. Place some shampoo on your hand. 3. Put the shampoo on your head."), or buttoning your clothes ("Start from the top and work your way to the bottom. You can do it in reverse, but that might be difficult."). I got freaked out by it. A manual on simple, everyday human tasks? Why, it can only be the work of

a l i e n s .

Well, whether or not the condo's previous occupants were Martians compiling an instruction manual for other aliens wishing to disguise as humans, I can't be more excited about living in the condo. For one, my bedroom is pink! For two, there's a great view of the sunset. And for three, THERE'S INTERNET IN IT!

(Oh by the way, Jean just told me that Dormitoryana is going to have free wi-fi starting next month. Grahh, great timing, you guys.)

. . .

Yeah, I guess that makes tonight my last night here. Wow. I've lived in Dormitoryana for two years now, and I guess that if you've been following this blog from when I first moved in, you'll notice that I never really have anything good to say about the dorm. 

Well that's because it wasn't that awesome when I got here. :)) It used to be just a bunch of rooms, plus a really awful gym. Now, there's free hot and cold drinking water, a microwave, a TV, and free Internet access. Also, the rooms are being repainted and renovated, so a lot of them look really nice already. So if I've said anything in the past that made you think twice about going to this dorm, just forget about it and come see what it's like yourself. If you're looking for a place for your daughter or niece that's safe, homey, affordable, and near school, Dormitoryana is definitely your best bet. 

. . .

Okay, it's late. I started writing this at 10 o'clock and now it's 12 AM. (I spent a lot of time looking for that OrSem picture okay) Tomorrow's a big day. So, see you guys. Next time you hear from me, I shall be writing from my precious cone dough. 


  1. cohooowwwnnndyohaaawwwww...

  2. I lauuuughed at the aliens part :))) Happy moving, Aimee!

  3. You won't be laughing when they beam you up to their mothership and stick a probe up your butt! >:C

    Kidz. Thanks Sonya!

  4. that manual thingie sure is weird. o_o you should have kept it. in case the owners come back for it. @_@ -che

  5. I did keep it. It's in the other room right now, waiting to be retreived...


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