Greenhills finds, and 1-day-old-chicken

Had yet another wonderful day today, praise God. I went to Greenhills with Rap and his family, and I went home with these: (click to enlarge)
An advanced birthday card from Karina, Rap's sister. She got me one on my last birthday, too! AWW! <3
Two Sandmans from Rap, a loose floral shirt, a Hunger Games tumbler I stumbled upon by accident (and less than P300, too!) and a pack of Karate Belts rainbow bacon strips for my family.
The shirt above looks like this. And wow I've been taking pictures of clothes a lot, recently.
A weird thing about me is that I like to go to malls a lot, but I never really buy any clothes for myself. I just enjoy looking at all the pretty things there are to look at. But this afternoon, I felt a little pressured to find something nice for myself, otherwise the trip to Greenhills would've been put to waste. So I got this shirt. And it looks nice, I think.

Rap and I also ate at the V-Mall food court. There was a stall there that sold kwek-kwek (quail egg), fried penoy (undeveloped duck fetus), and 1-day-old chick (exactly what its name implies).

Rap is a lover of many weird foods, and has eaten countless 1-day-old chicks in the past. I am a more picky eater, but I'm open to trying new things. So we ordered three pieces of fried baby chicks and drowned them in vinegar. Rap gobbled down his chick without apprehension, but I felt queasy about taking a bite into mine. I remembered when I was a kid and my friend Kingston was giving away little chicks as birthday party favors. I loved mine immensely. I named one Barbie Q. and the other Fred Chicken. As I looked at the piece in my hand, I wondered if it used to be as adorable as Barbie and Fred were.

And come on. Can you really blame me for being weirded out by this food? We're all used to seeing adorable little baby chickens looking like this
And not like this:
But anyway I shut my eyes and bit into the critter's neck. It was soft and chewy. I quickly spat the head out, the one part of the chick I could never bring myself to eat. But the rest of the body I managed to consume without trouble. It was delicious, actually. It tasted like regular fried chicken, only chewier (there weren't any hard bones in there because these chicks were too young to have fully developed them). But if I were given the chance to eat another, I'd probably require some more coaxing before I took a bite.

I also ate the fried penoy, which I found less freaky than either 1-day-old chick or balut. In penoy, the baby duck hasn't developed yet, while in balut and 1-day-old chick, you can see the little birdy's beak, head, neck, and feathers.

Still hungry after that, I bought myself some "normal" food: fried noodles and siomai. And now I think about the pork that went into that siomai. About what piggy body parts were in there, and how cute these piggies were. :( It reminds me of this video I took from my dad's corn place in Bukidnon.

Anyway, after looking around some more, we had dinner at Red Buffalo Wings & Pizza where I didn't give a second thought to how the pepperoni in my pizza used to be a living thing. Yummy!

When I got home, I took the above pictures of my stuff. Then I decided that while I had my camera out, I might as well take other pictures of things. Like my current phone, which I've been mentioning in quite a few blog entries:
Front and back. Look at that crusty-eyed geezer.
Whenever I take it out in school, Andy goes, "Just put it out of its misery already!" I probably will, soon enough, but I can't say I won't miss this guy. It still contains the mini diary entries I wrote in high school! I can't believe this fella is six years old already.

I also tried taking a picture of the cityscape view from my window, and I was surprised that when I set my camera to Program mode, this is what came out:

It's surprising because in reality, everything looked like this:
(The pictures aren't the exact same view, if you haven't noticed already; the one on the bottom is the one on the top, just moved to the left)
The power of cameras, huh? I'll definitely be spending more time with my own over the short summer break.

Which reminds me, I'm going home tomorrow! Yay! :D


  1. Happy birthday! Love you to bits!

  2. Thank you, mom? Dad? Cheryl? AC? :))

  3. Belated happy birthday ate aimee! I wish that your birthday wish comes true :D Btw, I was kinda inspired to make a blog after reading your amazing posts :) So, thanks so much for being the awesome person and blogger that you are even though I don't know you personally :">

  4. *Gestures to post* That is how vegetarians are made!

    Belated happy uterus freedom day, Aimz! I texted you a greeting, then remembered after I sent it that you lost your phone and I didn't know your new number. -_- BUT ANYWAY! Hope your womb liberation day was fantabulous! >:D<

  5. Hey Aims! Belated Happy Birthday here. hehehe
    Just giving myself some time to browse anything. Remembered your blog and so tada, I'm here.
    Barbie Q and Fred Chicken sound like good names for Chicks... hahaha although I wondered what happened to them.

    I might rethink about making another blog instead of continuing my old blog. But just rethinking, since I'll be a bit more putting anime stuff in it and some new stuff. Anyway got to go and watch another anime title. It's Minami-ke btw, and unfortunately it's not fully classified as RomCom(Romantic Comedy), the genre I specifically find in my animes. hahaha

    Ja ne.


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