
I wish I had my old phone back. Yes, the one I stupidly left in a taxi in my rush to catch my flight home last December. I hate that December. Now I'm using the phone I had back in first year high school, and it can't upload things to computers. Hence the decline in my posting of pictures from my daily life. (I do have my DSLR birthday camera, but I don't like bringing it around everyday. Who does that [apart from people whose job it is to do that]?)

Anyway. Yesterday I had a Biochem exam, which I did okay at. I skipped my Environmental Sciences class to cram for that test too, and I'd like to think it paid off a little. There was a logic part of the test where you had to figure out the right order of amino acids based on a bunch of clues. I really enjoyed that part, actually. I felt like Nancy Drew, racing against the clock to figure it out. :))

After that...
  • had a Game of Thrones marathon and some mushy, caramely bananas with ice cream
  • slept like a baby (got too little sleep the previous night because of Biochem)
  • woke up bright and early at 7 AM
  • jogged the usual MWF jog with Rap
  • talked about water quality in Enivonmental Sciences. It's a topic close to my heart because the Cagayan de Oro River was featured a lot, and it proves to be among the cleanest in the country. Also, our teacher talked about her experience during the 1995 water crisis, when households had no running water for two months. I remembered the horrible December of 2011, when Sendong happened and the water supply of several barangays in CDO was cut off. My dad had to go wait in the water refilling lines to get water that would last us three days, sometimes two. I really wanted to help him out but I feel like he intentionally didn't let me carry any of the water, just because I'm a girl and supposedly not strong enough. Hmpf. Times like that I found myself wondering, What Would Mulan Do? Cut her hair and disguise her boobs, probably. And then lift those freaking barrels of water. I love Mulan.
That's pretty much it. Oh, my mom's coming over this Saturday! So are my aunts and uncles. And my grandparents, too! YAY! Good food here I come!!!

Just so this post isn't so dry, here's a picture of my dirty laptop, with Jules's Spanish profile reflected in it.


  1. hehehe. you never fail to amuse me.

  2. anonymous commenters like you never fail to amuse me also! (although i'm betting that you're cher bear :)))

  3. it wasn't me! that comment is too creepy to be me. =)) -the real cherbear


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