having no internet in the room while it's summer

Okay, I have been blogging really erratically this year. But can you blame me, really? When I don't have school, I'm living my regular, civilian life - and nothing interesting ever happens then. Except me getting a condo. That's pretty interesting, right? We're still looking for one more roommate, btw. :D heeheehee (see: this similarly desperate and shameless post)

Anyway, I guess I have some summer blogging to catch up on. For Holy Week, my family went to Dapitan! Woohoo!

Okay, you got us. My family never actually does holy things on Holy Week. While everyone else is out there reflecting and repenting, the Capinpuyans go a-splorin'. And how could you expect us to do anything else? Holy Week means no work for the parents, which means maximum family time. Why waste those precious moments sweating in a stuffy old church? I'm kidding, of course (sort of).

Anyway, now for the obligatory summer pictures, edited by my mom! How awesome is that.

River cruise through dapitan. Not much to see but trees, water, and fisherpeople, but it was relaxing.
Rizal's shirt at the Rizal Shrine. Looks like it could fit my baby brother!
My parents having their picture taken "in front" of the Rizal landing site statue.
 (As you can see, we were all just too lazy to get off the bus.)
Me and my sister showing off our healthy diet. 
That's all I'm showing. I have an inferiority complex when it comes to showing pictures, especially since I am now being followed by one of the coolest bloggers/photographers ever, Sonya Sison (hi, Sonya). Go check out her stuff!

Anyway, so summer class has started, and I haven't any Internet connection in my dorm room to get me by. What I do in my free time now is I read The Walking Dead. (Thank you Rap for introducing me to this beautiful, ongoing story.)

Last year, I remember I kept myself busy by looking forward to checking stuff off my summer to-do list, some of which included some pretty ambitious stuff, like take a walking tour from Carlos Celdran. But now I shall make up a more doable summer to-do list. Here are some stuff I'm looking forward to accomplishing this summer:
  1. Move into the condo
  2. Cook a good meal at the condo.
  3. Finish Life of Pi.
  4. Get started on Mockingjay.
  5. Watch Ponyo and Howl's Moving Castle
  6. Go to the 10a Alabama Arts and Crafts fair near Tomas Morato (I will hopefully be able to check this off my list by tonight. Hello again, wanderlust!)
  7. Watch The Walking Dead TV series.
  8. Upload more "Ateneo and You" videos.
That's it. I shall log off now because I think I've abused the Wi-Fi here at Peanut Butter and Co. too much. (I've downloaded three more episodes of Community. I need to catch up.) 

See you when I see you! Which will not be soon because I don't have Internet!

By the way, look at this video that my sister and I took of some pigs in Baungon, Bukidnon. You can hear us rambling in the background about how cute they are.


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