
Okay, this will be a really short and boring post, because I just wanna get all these thoughts out of my head as quickly as I can without giving any thought to how good my writing is.

Tonight, Karla generously treated Block XX to some much-needed bonding time, in celebration of her birthday! We finally got to see Avengers!!! I'm happy to report that it did not disappoint.

Ever since the movie hit cinemas this Wednesday, people have been talking about it nonstop. Especially on Facebook, where you can see everyone posting something to the effect of "AVENGERS OMG HNNNNG." I am not joking. Three of my friends said exactly that. 

The last time I've ever seen a movie that *titillated* the Internet (and the real world) like that is, I think, when the last Harry Potter came out. Personally I didn't see it as that much of a big deal, since my love for Harry has, sadly, waned in the gaps between movie releases. But it meant truckloads to everyone, apparently. (I just hate how most of the villains turn into paper shreds :|) And before the last Harry Potter, it was one of those movies from Twilight that got the public so excited. Or at least, the portion of the public that I see on my Facebook news feed. Twilight sucks. And because people so rabidly hype up movies like those, I've learned that when it comes to taste in movies, mine is usually never in sync with the public's. 

So when all this talk about Avengers came out, I thought "Oh, cool, a superhero mashup. All righty." I didn't have very high hopes for this film, even though everyone was calling it "THE BEST MOVIE EVER OMG!" Basically I wasn't expecting a lot from it because:
a.) I'm not a huge fan of superhero comics or movies
b.) Out of all the Avenger characters with their own movies, I've only ever finished Thor's
c.) Action movies usually have no real plot
d.) Everyone says it's good

. . .

After watching it, I have this to say:

Avengers is a good movie. No, scrap that: it's a great movie. Even for a non-superhero geek like me. I wouldn't go so far as to call it THE BEST MOVIE EVER OMG, and I won't even say that it comes close to that. But I give it a 9/10. 

Now here are a few bullet points that I am too lazy to convert into actual paragraphs: (warning, may contain spoilers)

  • Loki, the antagonist, wasn't that much of a villain. He was too easy to defeat, and he was neither powerful-scary like Voldemort nor psychotic-scary, like the Joker. He mostly just waved his staff around and engaged in the usual villanous dialogue with Nick Fury.
  • Iron Man was too much of a prick. A lot of people will say that this is just in his character to be a douchebag, but who the heck makes wisecracks at everyone when a nuclear bomb is about to go off in five seconds!?
  • The Mark Ruffalo Hulk wasn't as menacing, scary, and powerful as the Edward Norton Hulk!
  • I didn't like how the Avengers dealt with Loki at the end (they just covered his mouth and bound his hands). He's a god, for crying out loud.
  • Avengers Captain America, Avengers Iron Man, and Avengers Thor aren't that different from how they're portrayed in their own movies. 
  • Captain America is da bomb @u@
  • When Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America first meet, they have this short battle scene that is nothing short of awesome. I like how they're not instantly friends. 
  • There's this one continuous shot where you can see all the Avengers working together. Transitioning from one hero the next is very smooth. GO TEAM!
  • There are lots of little times in the story where the Avengers pair off in twos, and have cute dialogue with each other. It's great seeing how they interact not only with the big group, but also with the individual members.
  • The film doesn't spoonfeed you, which is great for after-movie discussions with your friends.
  • Great special effects
  • So many gorgeous people @n@
  • Great script, although I wasn't a big fan of some of the jokes (mainly because they came at weird times, e.g. Iron Man being a sarcastic douchebag just when the world was about to blow up!!!).
  • It's not just mindless explosions (although you do get a lot of those). There's an actual story to this movie, and it's a pretty good one too.
Anyway, that's it. Nine out of ten. Go see it! :D
This week, at Eastwood Cinemas. So many choices.
Also, do you think this is funny?


  1. Hi! how do you say "HNNNG"? and where did you get that milkshare video? so wasteful, tsk, tsk, tsk.


  2. This is you, isn't it, Mom. :))

    It's hard to describe online, but you say "hnnng" the same way you would "hmmmm" except the sound comes from the back of your tongue, like "hung" without the "uh" sound. ARGH hard to explain. :))

    also, that milkshake video came from my weird friends who found that funny. -_- plenty more videos where that came from.

  3. I loved the Avengers... sobrang napatitig ako pagbungad ng isang eksena...


  4. YEAH!!! Shiz. Whenever his face came out on screen I just went *u*

  5. Same reaction with Chris Evans scenes. hahahaha!


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