girliness and posting late

Tomorrow it will be exactly a month since my last entry. I think this is the longest I've gone without writing. That's just out of pure laziness; I have not been busy. Apologies to the multitude of people who read my blog. Here's a new entry to appease the two of you.

It's 1 AM and I'm at home (as in home home, not in the dorm) browsing through girly blogs. A visit to became a trip to this adorable online store. And when I had finished browsing through everything there, I remembered how mesmerized I was by Tricia Gosingtian's fantastically female posts and I paid her site a visit.

So much girly.
My theory about girly-girls is that some are simply born beautiful. That some girls just emerged from the womb with a full set of clean, polished nails and lush, permed hair. That when led blindfolded into a closet, they will be able to sniff out the trendy clothes and leave the more "unbecoming" pieces untouched.

I am not one of those girls. I am clueless when it comes to fashion, I don't understand make-up, I can't think of a third thing to put down, but you get the idea. And I sometimes I wonder how different my life would be had I been raised a girly-girl. Would I have had more or less friends? Better, or worse grades? Would I have been happier? Sometimes I ask myself all these questions.

 But now, having browsed through page after page of online girliness at one in the morning, I don't think the answer is that important. If there's one thing I've learned, it's not to stress so much about the things that I am not, and to celebrate everything that I am, even though I haven't really gotten that part figured out yet.

. . .

Anyway, so what have I been up to lately? Well...
1. I edited two more videos for this really awesome YouTube show. They have really funny stuff. They're only four episodes in, but already I'm looking forward to their next video. And their latest episode (see: below) just warms my heart. <3

Look, they even covered the A-Fair. Great effects. :)

2. I've been doing editing work for the Health Sciences Society again! I'll post a picture when I'm allowed to.

3. I lost my phone in a taxi last December, so now I'm stuck with the same phone I had in high school. It has a terrible camera, and I have no means of uploading things to my computer. Thus I will neither be taking nor uploading pictures regularly on this blog. On the plus side, my phone still has all the secret messages I used to type up whenever I had to pretend like I was texting someone.

4. It's the first time I've been home since Sendong. I'm happy to report that the city is well on its way to recovery. The public schools and barangay halls are now obscured by the rows of tents that are being used as temporary shelter of the many victims. Stores everywhere are offering discounts for the benefit of the people who lost their homes. Clean-up drives are helping to remove the muck that lines the streets. Large signs saying Bangon, CDO! hang about the city. I wish I could show you pictures. Anyway, it's good to be home.

5. I SWAM TWENTY LAPS FOR MY SWIMMING MIDTERMS. And I didn't pass out on the bathroom floor like last time.

6. Oh yeah, funny story about that. Last Monday, we were given a period to practice for our swimming midterms. I did sixteen laps. I was on my period (too much information?), so upon my friends' advice, I got out of the water really quick and made a beeline for the shower stall.

Bad move. When I reached the showers, I felt an instant wave of nausea, fatigue, and dizzyness crashing into me. So I passed out. Sort of.

But it doesn't end there. I skipped my History class to go back to the dorm and rest. Sweet relief. But when the time came to study for my Bio exam, I slept through my alarm and ended up NOT STUDYING AT ALL.

Oh mah gat. I hope the nice people who are giving me my scholarship never read this.

7. Last Friday, some thoughtful fellow had a yellow balloon delivered to me during History! Yay! It had a hamster holding a heart drawn on it. Adorable! The rest of the day, I walked around with the balloon tied to my wrist to hopefully show the nice person [who got me the balloon in the first place] how much I appreciated the gift. n_n Kapatid. Also to make the most out of my balloon experience. Isn't that how balloons work, after all? You walk around with them hovering about you, and in return, they give you +10 happiness. Just like magic.

8. Hey, did you know that the ozone layer is going to be recovered by the year 2050? @_@ That's in thirty-eight years. I'll be almost sixty by then. OH MY GOD THE FUTURE IS SO SCARY I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT ME BEING AN OLD LADY.

9. The picture on the left shows my beloved Block XX at Micha's debut. We surprised her with a Hairspray-themed dance number, in keeping with her party's "vintage" theme. I'm way over in the back row, which is for the untalented and the ugly. (Understand the reference? No? Then good day to you sir. I said good day!)


And now I shall sleep. Good night, world. 


  1. I know exactly how you feel. And I just had to comment because this post is SO relevant to the current happenings of my life @_@ (plus scanning through your most recent posts, I like the way you write c: )

    Long story short, I was a complete klutz+tomboy when it came to all things 'girly-girl' and I actually refused to doll-up all my elementary until mid-college life even when my sister and mom kept convincing me to try. Only on my last year of college (which would be now) did I actually see the purtyness of wearing dresses, adding nail polish, and accessorizing. Everything unraveled into a pinkish realization, accompanied by sparkles and meowing kitties.. that it doesn't hurt to try things like these.

    Point here is I'm not saying you should completely change yourself, but try to discover what things can help you express yourself more. LOL TL;DR XDDD

  2. WOW! That's a really encouraging comment, Ms. Google Searchable. :)) THANK YOU! :)


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