trivial things

Before I start talking about... uh, whatever it is I was planning to talk about, here are some pictures that I should've blogged about sooner:

This was taped to the huge periodic table of elements outside a classroom in Schmitt in Ateneo. At first I thought it was a Zelda reference, but after looking it up just now I'm not so sure about that. It could be a World of Warcraft thing, or a Dungeons and Dragons thing. Whatever. It's nerdy and adorable either way. What with all the science majors hanging out here, I guess things like take-away paper swords and W.O.W/D&D references are not a rare occurrence.

Speaking of nerdy things...
Andy cranking it up. 
One day for Organic Chemistry, our teacher, Sir Guidote, brought this interesting device. It had a crank on one side and a flat base, and it looked to me like a sealed-up rectangular well. He mixed two solutions in a beaker (I looked it up, and apparently it's equal parts diamine and dicarboxylic acid). These solutions do not mix well in each other but still react at the points where they come in contact. To the naked eye, this part that reacts looks like a thin white band in the middle of transparent liquid.

Sir Guidote then extracted the white band using a pair of tweezers, and we were all amazed to find that it was actually solid. It was nylon, he explained. It looked like string magically appearing in water. He wrapped the nylon around the crank and turned. As he turned, more string came out of the beaker (as more molecules from the two solutions came in contact with each other). At the end of the class, we had a whole spool of nylon (as shown in the picture). It was pretty amazing.

I never gave much thought about nylon, but now I wonder if back in the old days there used to be a whole nylon factory full of bored laborers who just cranked and cranked the whole day. Maybe we should set up our own nylon factory as well. I can hire my sister.

Oh yeah. That was the last "real" Chemistry subject I'll ever take in my life. Kinda sad. I enjoyed it a lot, even if I DID get a C+ as a final grade -_-

Speaking of grades, one time I was studying in the Rizal Library and had to go pee, and surprise surprise! I found this on the inside of a cubicle:
The weird stain stretched from the tip of my fingers to my elbow. GROSS. I don't know if that's blood or... something else. I don't really know what could be worse than blood though.

Speaking of strange circumstances...

My mom sent over a really nice radio alarm clock because I was afraid I wouldn't wake up in time for NSTP (freshmen, take note: do NOT be late for NSTP, even your first session). One night I woke up (I forgot exactly what time that was) and the numbers on the clock said 0:46. Even in my very sleepy state I knew that was weird, because 0 never shows up in the hour part of my clock. If it were 12 in the morning, it should have read 12:46 and not 0:46. It confused me. It looked more like the maximum amount of time I can spend paying attention to things rather than an actual time of the day.

On the topic of petty things, I was studying for the Org Chem finals at Red Mango (because I do not work well when I'm in the dorm), when suddenly - "HOLY SHIFT KEY IT'S JERICHO ROSALES!!!" After composing myself I took a really bad picture of him.
See encircled.
Holding the door open for his female companion! What a nice guy. I immediately texted Rap, who had previously spotted Jericho Rosales getting his haircut at a barbershop in a Petron station, about the sighting.

"Saw Jericho Rosales. He is the Maury Povich of Manila."
"Katipunan lang."

Go check out the Ateneo Art Gallery. They have cool new stuff!


Kapatid. (It was his birthday and we celebrated at Bigby's in SM. Free cake!)

A deer and a pig being all cuddly wuddly. Only in the Co household. P.S., a moment later, the deer started nuzzling the pig! @U@ SO FREAKING ADORABLE I hate it. 
I HAD THE BEST FLIGHT EVER. I got the entire row to myself! (Note: this was 6 AM on a Sunday.)
There were SO MANY CLOUDS!!! Of the cumulus variety!!! I absolutely LOVE cumulus clouds. 

The  blurry whiteness outside the window isn't a result of the inferiority of my phone's camera. This was the actual view 10 minutes prior to landing: absolutely nothing but white. Low visibility, as the pilot said. He also said  it rained in Manila the whole morning. I felt like one of the blind people from Jose Saramago's Blindness.

Manila, when the whiteness lifted.

And that is all. School starts tomorrow. YAY. I can't wait to see my friends again. I AM SO LONELY AND BORED AND THE INTERNET HERE SUCKS. I LOVE SCHOOL SO MUUUUUHUUUUUUCH!!!!


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