I don't have anything interesting to write about today so here's a gif that I made for LFC, and for the love of Big Fish.

You know, sometimes, so little happens in my life that I wonder if it's even my life I'm living in, or someone else's. Someone more exciting, more entertaining, and with more depth than me. I wonder whether I really am the main character of The Aimee Show. For all I know, I am just another extra, milling around in the background as the real main character ventures off into a world full of evil twins, enchanted mirrors, muzzle flares, spacecrafts, good-looking people, desert islands, Pegasi, triple-crossers, expensive wine, and cliffhangers. Six seasons and a movie.
Don't tell me I've been watching too much TV. (Because the TV is downstairs in the dorm lobby, and I don't like going there because I'm too lazy to change out of my pajamas, and I don't want to go there in my jammies because all the other girls are wearing something pretty. u_u)
SEE. This is what I'm talking about. I'm here, on the Internet, talking about pajamas and television while 12374 other people are out petting dolphins in the wild, helping to cure cancer in Germany, doing VTR's, watching starlings fly in groups called murmurations.
Life really is too short to spend idle, and I do NOT want to die without having touched a dolphin.
You know, sometimes, so little happens in my life that I wonder if it's even my life I'm living in, or someone else's. Someone more exciting, more entertaining, and with more depth than me. I wonder whether I really am the main character of The Aimee Show. For all I know, I am just another extra, milling around in the background as the real main character ventures off into a world full of evil twins, enchanted mirrors, muzzle flares, spacecrafts, good-looking people, desert islands, Pegasi, triple-crossers, expensive wine, and cliffhangers. Six seasons and a movie.
Don't tell me I've been watching too much TV. (Because the TV is downstairs in the dorm lobby, and I don't like going there because I'm too lazy to change out of my pajamas, and I don't want to go there in my jammies because all the other girls are wearing something pretty. u_u)
SEE. This is what I'm talking about. I'm here, on the Internet, talking about pajamas and television while 12374 other people are out petting dolphins in the wild, helping to cure cancer in Germany, doing VTR's, watching starlings fly in groups called murmurations.
Life really is too short to spend idle, and I do NOT want to die without having touched a dolphin.
y u no online?!