fancy chocolate!

Arrived early for P.E. class this morning with just the best surprise ever waiting for me at Manang's.
Thank you Tita Tet! :D 
At 10:00 I went down to the swimming pool behind the covered courts. It's a very very lovely location for a pool, tucked away where the school becomes a forest.

There were only nine of us in my class. Amazing. The last time I was in a class that tiny was for Chinese in grade school!

Anyway, as with most first meetings, nothing happened in this one. So we got dismissed early, and I returned to Manang's to enjoy some Fancy Chocolate. <3

History class came at 12:30, and seeing all of my block in a class that wasn't a science subject seemed unnatural. I felt a little disheartened too, because I didn't particularly enjoy the last non-science subject I had with my block: Sociology and Anthropology. UGH. (Recitation counted as a really big part of our grade, and what happened was people were getting points for pointless questions. Or maybe I'm just bitter because I got a C.)

Anyway, I think I shall enjoy History. Especially since it's in English. I didn't learn squat about Philippine History, and I think it's because the subject was taught to me in Tagalog. Which really sucks, because it is SO much easier to learn something when it's being taught to you in your first language. So you see, Manila people, THIS is why we probinsyanos and probinsyanas outwardly converse in Bisaya/Ilokano/What-have-you right to your face - to get back at you for all the misery your language caused us in school. It's hard enough WITHOUT the Tagalog, thank you very much.

. . .

One-hour break tiems. Deo, Rap, Jules, and AC helped prepare for Cheryl's surprise birthday thing~ Fourteen paper hearts later, they all decided to go book shopping, and I couldn't come because German was starting in twenty minutes. And so my wonderful friends left me to walk to my class... alone...

Kidz. It wasn't that lonely. *sniff* However I do wonder if that's how all my Wednesdays are going to turn out now. My friends go off to do fun things while I lug myself off to Berch to wait for the bell to ring. Well, time to make new friends I guess.

When I got to Berch, I killed some time in front of the mirror in the girl's restroom. It happened during that 10-minute period where people shuffle around to get to their next classroom, so the CR was particularly full of girls hurrying to retouch their makeup and comb their hair. Now my family has been riding me about my self-esteem issues since the beginning of sem break. If they only knew just how pretty Ateneo girls really are, it would probably shut them up. They're incredibly beautiful.

Anyway, after staring at the pretty girls, I located my classroom. It looked like something from Hogwarts. Berch 205 from the outside looks like just one door jammed in between a supply closet and a regular classroom, but inside it's an all right room. Even though it's half the size of a regular classroom, it seats thirty people comfortably. The best part is it's air conditioned. Yes I win!!!

Our teacher, Christa Velasco, seems really nice (ARGHHHH I've been using "seems really nice" to describe people ever since the first sem of my first year). She greeted us with "Guten tag!" and then a few more phrases, which she wrote on the board.

Gute nacht!
Mein name ist Aimee.
Ich kommen ausden Philippen.
Ich spreeche Deutsch. 

Good evening!
My name is Aimee.
I come from the Philippines.
I speak German.

I can't wait to learn more. I'm really excited about learning a new language. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner.

Economics 102 came immediately after. Uneventful.

Then went to the library with Jules, AC, Jeth and Arthur to photocopy stuff (I'm not sure what). I absolutely detest photocopying. The lines are always so long, the smell is weird, the readings look boring, I always end up with a bunch of papers I don't know where to keep. Photocopying is the worst part of my semesters, actually. It's right up there next to hell weeks. 

Anyway, after that came Cheryl's surprise!!! I'll post some pictures later. But oh, she wrote a poem about it (sort of) here! -->

Delicious, delicious cheesecake.

Then I got back to the dorm and tried going online but the Internet here frustrated me like hell so I gave up and read Chapter 1 for Statistics u_u It's pretty cool actually. It's like Psychology again! Only... with some numbers in it.

And I've been having this really long sneezing fit. I'm still sneezing right now. I should go sleep. Oh God I hope I'm not allergic to cats. Please not cats.

This has been yet another trivial day in the life of Aimee Capinpuyan.


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