dorms and Dogz

    This morning was rather... uneventful. My first (and only) class of the day was at 1:30, so I was free to spend the morning tagging along with Rap as he went about fussing over his ID picture.

    We went to the libe and bumped into Jules. Serendipity! The three of us then had lunch at JSEC. (Tip: Get the Dynasty Meal from the Great Stall of China! You won't find a better deal in Ateneo!) There we ran into Chris, our ex-InTACT student facilitator, and we talked about Chinese medicine, magnets, and network marketing. 

   At 1:30, I had Statistics with my block. It's in an aircon classroom with computers for everyone! n_n It's a fun class. Our teacher is Ma'am Leslie Lopez, and she's cutesy and has the ability to read people's minds. 

   Our class ended at 3:00, and after that I had nothing to do. As all of my blockmates scurried off to their respective classes (some Environmental Science, some Filipino), I figured I'd make good use of my time running errands of my own. Dropped by the Loyola Film Circle orgroom and did LFC things with my co-deputy Clarice. Ate some of the Tootsie Rolls someone left on the LFC table (Join LFC! There's food.). Validated my ID. Went looking for books I needed at the DSWS room and the LEX book fair (in Kostka Extension). Requested a reservation of the Aerie for the upcoming LFC Doc and Pub GA. By the time I was done with my last errand, it was 4:30, which meant that people were done with their classes! Yay company! 8D 

  About an hour later I found myself at the Grilled Tomato right across my dorm stuffing my face with beef shawarma. 

 . . .

   Tomorrow's a no-class day (teacher's retreat, or something), which is awesome because it's 11/11/11! :D Which means we can all spend the day doing fun things. Actually, I'm scheduled to go check out this boarding house down in Park 9 Alley, the very narrow street that starts right at the end of the Blue Bridge and opens up at Esteban Abada (the street running parallel to Katipunan). 

    Park 9 Alley does not sound like a very friendly name, does it. It has the word "alley" in it, for goodness sake, and how often do you hear about good things happening in alleys? The answer is, not often. In fact, 85% of muggings, murders, and dog fights take place in alleys. Which is not surprising, considering that 90% of muggers, murderers, and dogs live in alleys! Why couldn't it have been called Park 9 Boulevard instead? 
   Anyway, that's what I'm obsessing about at the moment. Finding a new place to live. Dormitoryana has made some improvements recently, like adding a communal microwave, a communal water dispenser that dispenses water both hot AND cold, and a communal TV to their list of facilities. But I still feel like I'm being squished inside my room. Four girls should NOT be allowed to share such a tiny space. 

  I spent the latter half of my sem break scouring the Internet for other places I might call home. I found a lot of promising ones, and I've scheduled a visit with two so far. 

    Which brings me to Park 9 Alley. The street is full of apartment buildings and boarding houses. I was planning to just drop by unannounced and inquire at all of them. Of course I'm not going alone. That would be stupid. I'm bringing a friend who was trained with one semester's worth of tae kwon do. Those graceful high kicks will show those dog fighters who's boss! 

   I hope I find a nice place real, real soon. One that's roomy. And cheap. And near school. And not owned by organ harvesters, or built over a Chinese graveyard, or used as an execution room during World War II. 

  . . .

   One of the things I dislike most about my dorm is how hard it is to get a good Internet connection, something I've written about many times in the past. I have to go out of my room and sit on the fire escape steps for my Smart Bro plug-in to get a good signal. I think I now have permanent metal bar-shaped imprints on my butt cheeks from sitting there so much. 

  Anyway, recently it's frustrated me so much that I opted to spend more time inside my dorm without Internet. I've already watched all the episodes of Old Christine that I brought with me from Cagayan (those weren't a lot of episodes!), and I've hit the boring part of Locke and Key, the comic series I've been sort-of following recently. So tonight I thought I'd rekindle my love for the Pokemon GameBoy games by playing a ROM on my emulator. 

  As I browsed through the folder in which I keep all my ROM files, I chanced upon this game called Dogz. I remembered how my sister Caitlin enjoyed the game so much, and so I tried it out, just to see what it's like. 

At the start of the game you get to endlessly browse through pet stores to pick out the right puppy for you. They come in different colors, breeds, and personalities! It's so hard picking just one!!!!
You get to name your puppy. I named mine Rick, because I was hoping to teach him "roll" later in the game. "Rick, roll!" hehehehe. u_u

 Okay. I guess that marks the end of my post. I have a dog to take care of now. Advanced happy 11/11/11 everybody! 



  2. Don't worry, Aim. You'll find a better internet connection. I hope. Hehehe

  3. @Your Dog (this is either Caitlin or Jeth or Andy): THAT'S EXACTLY THE REACTION I WAS HOPING FOR HAHAHA!!!

    Joseph: GRAHHHHHH. I hope so too. GRAHHH


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