blogging when you have a post lab report due in four hours

How's this for frequent updating, huh? :D

Okay, yes, I have something better to do at the moment (a post-lab report which is due in five hours) but I figured I'd take a break from... whatever it was I was doing before I wrote this (procrastinating) to update my blog. (If I am putting off procrastinating does that mean I'm doing work, or slacking off even more?)

Not much has happened since my last post (which was only two days ago), but there were a lot of things I forgot to mention in my previous entry. These are conversations, mighty interesting ones at that, that I keep going back to in my mind recently.

For instance, Cheryl, Jules, Arthur and I were once talking about The Sims, and about all the things we made our Sims do. Then we talked about how God might be controlling us in the same way we control our Sims. Like, you know how you can walk into a room and then forget what you were supposed to do there? That's God clicking Cancel on your action. And then we talked about free will, and about how if you leave your Sims alone they don't just sit there; they do things like read or watch TV. "It's frustrating," said Cheryl, "Like, when they're super sleepy na they don't go to sleep. They do other stuff. And then they complain about how sleepy they are!" And then we realized how much this paralleled our own behavior, like how we waste so much time on Facebook, time that could be better spent sleeping. +1 Knowledge!

Another conversation I had was one about what keeps planets in their orbits, and after nearly half an hour of frustrated debate (and after I looked it up on the Internet as soon as I reached the dorm), I think it's about time I admitted defeat. It's not the gravity that each solar system body exerts on nearby bodies that keeps the planets in their respective orbits, but their constant freefall into the sun. Five points to Slytherin. Where on Earth did I get that gravity idea in the first place? And how is it that I was able to proceed to high school thinking that!? Ten points from Hufflepuff. u_u

. . .
Oh yeah. An interesting thing happened this morning. See, my dorm room somehow has this weird force field that messes with the signals sent and received by my SmartBro plug-in. Most of the time the signal I get from inside my room is very weak, so I when I go online, pages take forever (plus a hundred Refreshes) to load. It gets weirder from here. Somehow, the signals are transmitted better if I move a few feet to my right, closer to the door. When I am closer to the door, I can use Facebook, Tumblr and Formspring to my heart's content, but YouTube vidoes load at a turtle's pace. Now, if I open the door and sit on the staircase steps just a few feet outside my room, the signal is at its best and I can surf the Internet all I want. Which is awesome and all, but I would really prefer it if I could use the Internet from the comfort of my own room, and I think the dormers who keep having to step around me when they go up the stairs would prefer it as well. (Joseph, if you're reading this, the answer is yes, I would like some help knowing how to fix this.)

BUT THAT IS NOT MY POINT. This morning I went out to the lobby to use the Internetz and get bitten by mosquitoes. When I came up the stairs, the door was locked, and my roommates had left for school, and I panicked because there was only thirty minutes til school started and I had a quiz and I was still in my pajamas and the only thing I had with me was my laptop. I ask the guard for a key, but apparently they don't keep keys for some crazy reason I'm not familiar with. She instead gives me some random dormer's ID card. Whatever, I've picked locks with cards before. I can do it again, I think confidently. But after ten minutes of jamming the ID card into the crack in the door (and after ten minutes of making a complete idiot of myself to the girls who saw me trying to break into my own room), I was starting to entertain the thought of skipping class and waiting like a sad, pajamaed puppy for my roommates to come back. Nevertheless I thought it was worth one last push, and so I wiggled the ID into the crack like there was no tomorrow and then threw myself at the door.

Apparently I had unlocked it already in all that vigorous wiggling, so as I pushed against the door (which was already unlocked), I fell in a nice arc into my room, and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground, facing sidewards, like one might do when one goes to sleep.

AWESOME. Alas, this was no time to celebrate. I had only twenty minutes until school started. In a flash I showered, got dressed, and was on my way out to make it in time for the quiz when the dorm guard stopped me to ask me for that ID I had used to break into my room. Whoops. I went back to retreive said ID, but it had already been folded and creased beyond recognition. (Okay, that's an exaggeration. But it did get rather folded.) I handed it to the guard anyway and ran out the dorm before she could yell at me.

And I didn't do too badly on the quiz. B-)

. . .
Okay, I've already wasted two hours writing this. I can't believe blogging takes so long! Am I really such a slow thinker, or do I just revise my sentences too much?

Time for Chemistry.

OH YEAH! One last thing:
me and Rap with  THE Andy Europa. What a giggler he is!
(c) Bianca Francisco
FULL HOUSE! Before two people left their seats. :))
We had a full house at the Film Literacy Class we had yesterday!!! GREAT JOB, TEAM! :D A big thank you goes out to everyone who went. Also, thanks Gael for the awesome talk! And thanks, Ina and Bianca for the coverage! THANK YOU GUYS! Hope to see you at the next Film Literacy Class which is on July 25. Details will be posted soon. :) (This isn't just an LFC-xclusive thing; it's open to all of Ateneo [and it's FREE] so COME ONE, COME ALL! IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME!)

Okay. Chem tiemz for realsies.


  1. Sorry for the late reading. Anyway I don't really know (or remember which floor are you staying) but usually the best floor is way upstairs. I've already posted some possible things that could work to speed up your SmartBro, else you would like to try making yourself a satellite dish for your SmartBro. Search it in the internet on how to make a satellite dish for your SmartBro. Don't worry it'll be fun. :D
    Note: You may do the dish thing if the signal is the problem (One or two bars perhaps).

  2. Also remove obstructions. Or stay nearer where it's outside.

  3. My lab partner did not contribute much effort when writing the group post-lab report. What should I do? How long does it normally take for the teaching assistant do my lab report


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