a delayed season finale

       Hello blogdom! I'm back, after a long, lazy hiatus. Finals week was crazy, but you don't really need to know about the gory details of my Math and Chemistry exams. However, this might be more interesting to you:

        Dear friends, may I present to you Eng/Lit M02, my English block, with our teacher, the elusive Mr. Max Pulan. This was taken after our rendition of Nick Joaquin's, "Portrait of an Artist as Filipino," and it was the very last thing I did as an official freshman. It was perfect too, because our play was held at the end of the day at the end of the week at the end of Belarmine hall. And the weather was cold. And the people were wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better way to end my freshman year.

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    I got home last Saturday, and ever since then I've been doing nothing but fermenting on my bed on the Internetz. Sorry about the delay in posting; I rekindled my love affair with Tetris Battle, and ever since then I haven't been able to rip my fingers off the keyboard. I tried to write you know, I really did, but I just couldn't get into the writing mood what with the TV always on and my siblings always bugging me. Ahh, home. These are the things that I love the most.

   Have I been spending the past five days of my summer on the bed and online, you ask? Most definitely not! I have also been eating a lot. Which sucks. Because summer is swimming season, and I don't wanna have to miss out on the fun because of tummy flab. Hayyyyy. Why is there so much good food at home!? Today I've had two slices of pizza and three cups of ice cream. And tomorrow we're getting cake at Candy's (which is a really good restaurant, if any of you guys ever come to CDO!). OHHHHH THE AGONY! OH THE CALORIES!

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   At least I've been getting some mental exercise... sort of. My younger sister Caitlin (who just graduated from grade school! Huzzah!) is a freaky Math genius. Out of boredom (and upon spotting a chance to gloat), she made me answer this Math test from this old Australian Something Something Competition she joined (and to which she had been given the answer key). She had scored 81 out of 100. And me? 41. :|

  I know Math isn't my strongest subject, but 41?! :| *headdesk*

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   Today a friend of my mom's asked me what year I was in. "Second year college," I said, not quite believing it myself. When I was a kid, college people seemed so grown-up and serious. I feel really old thinking about what would happen if my five-year-old self saw me right now. I don't want to stop being a kid, but as much as I don't like to think about it, I did do some growing up in Manila. I'm not as big of a baby anymore; I've learned to take care of myself. I learned that my family won't be around to help me when I'm sick, or scold me when I'm not eating right, and that the only person who can ever really take care of me is me.

   So it feels very, very good to be back home, where I can be as much of a baby as I want. :)

. . .

   In other news, rejoice, blogdom, for our dear friend Cheryl joins us today! WOOHOO! Her writing's really funny and adorable, and if you like my blog then you're bound to like hers too (even though she's only written one post teehee).

   Speaking of blogs...


    Woohoo!!! As a lame prize, I'm going to change my blog header and its caption ("the perils of... staying true to myself") for the "lucky" reader who can give me the best answer to the question, "If your life were a TV show, what song would you want to play at your season finale?" Send me your answers via comment (on this post!) before April 4th! The winner gets to pick whatever line I'll change my header and caption to for a week (yeah really lame, but it's the best I can do right now okay!). Stuck? Read Rap's blog for inspiration!

   And now, for the finale:

For listening to me, helping me grow, and just simply being around, I cannot thank you enough. I really can't.


  1. My finale song is Time Warp because I feel like the time around me has warped and morphed and it goes fast ad it goes slow. It really is astounding.

  2. It'd be Viva la Vida by Coldplay.:>

  3. If I Die Young by The Band Perry! Because I want to stay young (at heart) until the day I die!

  4. ok,this needs some serious thinking but oh well, since i'm pressed for time, i will choose the song "Livin' on a Prayer". Because "I get by with a Little Help from My Friends (and God), and oh yes, that song too.

  5. Appeasement Anonymous here and Asleep by the Smiths, it is a finale so the song would be perfect for it.

  6. Cher, mo-mu, Appeasement: Got it! Thanks! n_n

  7. "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga.

  8. Definitely Katy Perry's "Firework". :>

  9. Pedrito Juanito Aquino dela CruzSaturday, April 02, 2011

    Kelly Clarkson's "My Life Would Suck Without You".

  10. Be a Man from Mulan.
    it is very niec.

  11. Kinimiko Sadako KatsushimaSaturday, April 02, 2011

    The World All Around Me

  12. Omg, wow, thank you guys! Received, received, and received. n_n

  13. Don't You Want Me (the glee version)

  14. Time of My Life by the Black Eyed Peas !
    It describes everything and i realy like it !!

  15. I Caught Myself by Paramore. xD

  16. OMG wow. I really hope you're all different people. :)) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMMENTING YOU GUIZE! And, received. :D

  17. "Better Man" by Robbie Williams. 'Cuz everyday is a chance for me to improve myself. I hope I will get a second season after the Finale though.

  18. I choose "Season in the Sun" because after all is said and done, and things are nearing its end, i want the world to know we have joy, we have fun, we have seasons in the sun.

  19. Got it, Robbie W. and Louie, thanks! n_n

  20. "I've had the time of my life" from Dirty Dancing. I will leave the show kicking my heels and singing on top of my lungs! You can't stop me! Nothing can!

  21. My Way. No other song can do it for me. My Way or no way at all!

  22. It's a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong -- because despite what we've done, it still is.

  23. A Day in the Life by the Beatles. In the end, it still is just a day in the life.


  25. Belated Happy Anniversary Aim! :) :D

    And I think Cait's Math thingy was Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). hehehe

  26. THANK YOU JO!!!

    And yeah, that's the one. :D

  27. Actually, you scored 41 out of 135 points in the AMC.


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