post V-day blogging

I'm writing from the libe right now, and this will be a short one since I'm just killing the time until I get my lab notebook back from... uh, being duplicated.

Valentine's Day was yesterday, and I spent most of it with my beloved block. We had a picnic over at Cervini Field. There was delicious food (gummi bears! lime-flavored nachos! Alessi's wonderful chocolate wafers!) and beautiful music. Andy also gave all the XX girls beautiful roses! Thank you!

Immediately after that, I worked on my friend's video and got frustrated because my output was crappy, and this time I couldn't blame the software I was using (previously: MovieMaker; currently: Adobe Premiere). Gahh.

Which brings me to where I am right now, venting out my ~artistic frustrations~ on my blog.

Hmmm. Lab notebook's not done being duplicated yet. So I shall tell you about a few more things:

We were dismissed early for Filipino today so that we could take pictures around the campus of scenes with "visuality". I have no idea what that means. What Kath, Mariel, and I ended up doing was taking pictures of signs with grammatical errors (surprisingly, they exist around Ateneo), pretentious car stickers, and graffiti (which, in AdMU, is never in short supply on tables and chairs, but is actually quite hard to find on building walls).

Then I went with Rap, Bel, and Vito (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!) to the juniors' theology class exhibits in the Zen Garden. There was one booth about "radical feminism" that attempted to explain why women cannot be priests or popes: BECAUSE GOD DESIGNED WOMEN FOR CHILDBIRTH AND WIFELY DUTIES AND NOT FOR LEADING CHURCHES.

I've always refrained from expressing my religious views on my blog (because that never leads to anything good), but COME ON -

No, person who is reduplicating my lab notebook, we do NOT empty the buret and then fill it up again -

I don't know how religious women can sit and listen to all that without feeling angered or degraded. It would take a huuuuuuuuuge amount of faith for me to be able to say, "Okay God, I get it. I understand now that I was created solely to bear children and to make men sandwiches and that I cannot become the next pope."

I mean, I know that I will never ever be the next pope, but to be told that I can't be because I'm a WOMAN, and it isn't according to God's plan for women...

That makes me sad. And angry.




  1. nice use of the word output!

  2. I believe I'm still missing a pen.
    And a sandwich.

  3. so quick to remember our debts...

  4. forgive us our debts as we forgive those who have debts against us ;).

  5. Are you the same Anon? :)) Quoting the Lord's prayer now eh. :))

  6. nope different one, but as an anon, I can feel the first anons pain :(

  7. You can? But you don't owe me a sandwich.

  8. well he owes u and we really should live and let live dont u think? besides if the first anon is a girl (which im guessing hes not) its kinda sexist of u to want "her" to go to a kitchen and make u a sandwhich isnt it?


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