that awkward moment when you don't know which college to pick

      Hello, incoming freshman who visited my blog thinking that this post would be about the 2011-2012 ACET results! (You're partly correct in thinking that anyway, so give yourself a pat on the back!) It looks like you're at that junction in your senior life where all the entrance exam results of any Philippine college that matters have been released, and you find yourself in a happy, confused daze. You passed UP/Ateneo/La Salle/UST/all of the above, and you're ecstatic for having accomplished so much (also inwardly proud for having done slightly better than your other classmates). But now what?

    It's thinking-about-college tiemz, that's what! If you haven't decided on a school and on a course yet, then that's okay, because you've got until March to do so anyway (because that's usually the time when colleges start finalizing - ugh, "finalizing"; Strunk, White and Mr. Pulan would disapprove - their list of enrollees). However, it is best to know where you're headed as early as possible, because then you'd have something interesting to say to those people who ask you the inevitable "Saan ka mag college?". (My answer, up until the last week of March, had always been UP. Sometimes, when I was feeling less adventurous, I'd say Xavier.)

    And so, to possibly help you a teensy weensy bit in making your college-related decisions, I shall write up a comprehensive (and abridged, and perhaps biased) overview of The Big Four: Ateneo, UP, La Salle, UST (entailing the help of a few friends). But before we get to that, here are a few things you should take into consideration:

When choosing a course...
  • Consider your interests and your capabilities. What are you passionate about? What are you good at? While both passion and mad skillz are important in choosing a course, remember that interest can be developed along the way. 
  • Begin with the end in mind. Okay, I totally stole that line from a certain self-help book, but it still holds true. If you think you're suited for a career in medicine, then take a course pertaining to medicine. Sounds simple enough, right? 
  • WRONG. You also have to consider the tremendous and appalling amount of time and effort you'll have to invest before you can actually become a doctor/nurse/whatever new medical job there is now. When you begin, don't just think about the end. Think about all the things that come in between.
  • Speaking of things coming in between, your parents may or may not have decided your course for you already. If you, like me, are part of the very fortunate few who are blessed with super awesome parents who are cool with you making your own decisions and who support you no matter what, then yay! You're cleared for any course you want. But if you're part of the group whose parents are more... er, domineering, then it's best to talk it over with them in a totally gentle, rational, non-threatening manner. 
  • Above all things, and in any choice you make, do it for the greater good of all. Be a person for others. Service above self.

    . . .
    Got questions? Concerns? A secret you've been dying to get off your chest? Put them all in here. :)


    1. You know what makes choosing a College easier?
      Do what I did. I took UP and ADMU only. Flunked UP and got into Ateneo. :|

    2. Golden and juicy…like a roast chicken.

    3. Not that big on teh gummies.

    4. nobody ever wants to study agriculture anymore :( golden and juicy like an intestinal cyst? XD

    5. nice Aimee. Wala bang bias sa Ateneo? hehe

    6. First Anon: That's true. :(
      Golden and juicy like a grilled cheese sandwich with roast beef.

      Second Anon: Syempre meron. =))


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