pre-pizza party pensiveness

Hello, my five readers. I swear I've got a New Year's post in my Drafts box just waiting to be published, but I thought that tonight I'd defer from that; something else came up that I want to write about.

I'm going to be seeing my high school classmates later (pizza party at my house! U jelly, Block XX?), and by "later", I mean after I finish writing this, getting some sleep, cleaning the house, and attempting to make myself look presentable.

Yeahhh. I'm never one to organize gatherings, but around Christmas time I felt like I'd been neglecting my old friends. My mom wasn't too keen on letting people see what a mess our house was (is), but I promised I'd spiffy the place up myself. And so, my parents gave me the go signal. I think that they think I need to get out more.

I hate to admit it, but I think one of the reasons it took me so long to meet up with my old friends was that I didn't want them seeing how much weight I had gained. I know. What a complex and deep reason. Argh.

Now, after having so many of my relatives point out the rounded, hamster-like quality my cheeks have taken on, I've gotten quite used to the fact that I've gotten bigger. Next time somebody points it out, I will just smile and say "Thanks", like my angkong tells me I should.

Or, maybe I'll do this:

Old Friend: Aimee! Nanambok lagi ka. 
Me: Wow, thank you so much for pointing that out, Old Friend! My life is certainly a lot better now that you have told me that. I am flattered that out of all the topics in the world you could have chosen to talk to me about, you chose my weight! How very discerning of you! :)

:)) I'm kidding, of course. Why did that come out so bitter?

. . .

In other news, I have a load of schoolwork waiting for me back in my dorm room. Yeah, I purposely didn't bring my textbooks or my research paper envelope so that even if I wanted to start studying, I couldn't. And so far, I haven't gotten the urge to study at all. Sorry na lang, Tuesday Aimee, but you're going to have to deal with that lab report, Math homework, and final research paper all by yourself.

. . .

In other, other news, rejoice, blogdom, for today, Rap makes a blog! And writes in it, too!


  1. I brought my books so that my bag would have weight. :|

  2. Maybe you could try going bald, Aims, so they'd have something else to talk about. Hahah. Happy New Year! :)

    Your talk about the new year's draft just reminded me to post on my blog after eons of neglect. x_x

  3. Andy: What do you need that extra weight for? :|

    Bianca: Good idea. :)) Hope you do post soon, Biancs!


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