Under the Stars

Okay, last night was one of the best nights of the year. SRSLY. I'm still a bit hungover from the awesomeness of last night (and this morning) and I'm too lazy to write coherent paragraphs. So instead, I will resort to the greatest thing ever invented in writing: bullet points!

Oh, but before I do, I guess I should take the time out to explain about Under the Stars for the benefit of the portion of my readership outside of Ateneo (that portion being comprised entirely of my parents, and possibly my sister).

See, Under the Stars is this annual event organized by the Loyola Film Circle (which I'm an active member of!) where lots of people gather at a grassy field in Ateneo and lie on mats or blankets to watch a movie under the stars. There's also beautiful Christmas lights, band performances, student films, and a bazaar.

It's a really big event where lots and lots of people come. However, this year, I'm guessing the numbers might have decreased because of Pulse. *shakes fist in air* WHY, PULSE? WHY?!?

Pulse is PMSA's annual org party (PMSA = Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo, which I and most of my coursemates are a part of), and it's got quite a reputation for being... er, wild. Because of some conflict with the venue, Pulse was moved from November 26 to December 3 - the same date as Under the Stars!

As a result, my blockmates, whom I'd aggressively promoted Under the Stars to, were forced to pick between the two events. And when you ask people to pick between a nice peaceful evening out on an open field and a crazy blacklight party at Eastwood... :|

Let's just say that out of my thirty blockmates, the expected attendance was four - Albert, Diane, Andy, and me.

Okay, now on to the bullet points!


  • Helping out at Under the Stars! Hello, sense of ~*fulfillment*~!
  • Seeing my Pulse-bound friends at Under the Stars. Rap was driving Bel, Jules, Vito and Nino over to the party, and they decided to meet up at JSEC Field! YAYZ! Thank you. It meant the world that you guys came, even if it was just for ten minutes or so. :))
  • Seeing my non-Pulse-bound friends! Hello Rucha, Jasonhaw, Bea, Miah, Jess, Andy, Stef, Albert and Danica!
  • Spending the rest of the night with my closest friends. :3 
  • The aftermath of the event, i.e. the happy gooey lovey status messages that people are posting! Squee~


  1. I actually brought my sister home then went back; thing was, it was raining >.<


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