friday night incoherence

The following events are the main constituents of my day:
  • Cram-wrote the introduction and conclusion of the first draft of my research paper today. :| It sucks so much it puts black holes to shame. 
  • Attended a Gawad Kalinga talk for Health Sci majors with most of the block. I know now that I made the right choice in choosing Health Sci and in coming to Ateneo. 
  • And, hey. Is it me, or did the speaker at the GK talk just say that they needed more men and less women to volunteer because women only give birth? :|
  • First (and last) Ma 20.3A long test of 2010!!! I think I did pretty well for someone who still doesn't know what a derivative is (Yeah yeah yeah, it's the slope of the line tangent to the graph, yadda yadda yadda. What is all that even supposed to mean!? :|)
  • Kapelikula with the Rapster! We watched three awesome short films from director Raymond Red. Also, I recommend that all of you come to next year's Kapelikula. It is a very wonderful and rewarding activity brought to you by the Loyola Film Circle, the premier film organization of the Ateneo. :D (Also, free food and coffee!)
  • Larz and I finally got to cross out the two things that had been on our To-Do-In-Manila List since summer: 1.) Go to Banapple, and 2.) take pictures of ourselves doing stupid Asian poses! I met more lovely people from the dorm (hello, Bea M., who urged me to write this. :P Hi to you too, Pam!) and had a splendid time. 
  • By the way, it took us more than an hour to get a taxi that would agree to take us to Banapple! It's not even that far from Ateneo! 8-| Why are Manila taxi drivers so picky? ._.
  • I FIXED MY GUITAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111  Sweet music to my ears. My dark days are over.

By the way, whoever my Secret Santa is better give me a clue! I've played enough Nancy Drew with the other people's Secret Santas.


  1. hmmmm ok banapple has great cakes

  2. sdlkfjsdl the sexist speaker. :|

    anyway, glad you did well sa test!! :D You're gonna go "A-me" again soon? ;;) ahaha. ._.

    i wanna go to banapple toooo.

  3. I could've driven you to Banapple but I was busy with important stuffz soz. >.<

  4. anon: yes they do. :)
    cheryl: HAH! I wish. yes, we should go! :D
    rap: what the the :|?
    bel: LEZZGO
    andy: wow, thanks! we were mostly bisaya by the way. kasabot gyud siguro ka sa among gina sturya.:))


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