sem break so far

I guess that I should be updating this blog more often, now that it's sem break and all, and the Internet connection at home is a bajillion times faster than the lame SmartBro plug-in I use in Manila. But the thing is, there's nothing much going on in my life right now that anybody would really want to hear about.

For example, would you really be interested in knowing that for my first week home, my siblings and I are devoting our vacation time to finishing three titles in the Nancy Drew PC game series? Or that I haven't been out with my friends at all, and that the first time I've seen any of my classmates so far was today (four days into sem break), by the sheer coincidence that they were playing basketball at school while I was picking up my brother?

Naw. Didn't think so. But I guess I should elaborate more on that last part.

See, if you haven't already guessed by the depressingly tremendous amount of time I spend on the Internet, I'm quite the homebody. I love holing myself up in the family bedroom, wasting away in front of a computer monitor or clutching a TV remote control. In the absence of a television set (*ahem* Dormitoryana *ahem*), I watch Friends reruns on DVD, or I watch illegally downloaded How I Met Your Mother episodes. And, in the absence of a roommate, I like to play my guitar and make up silly little rhymes.

It may not make much sense to you, but I'd actually rather stay at home and do these seemingly boring things than be out in a mall with my friends doing the seemingly exciting things that people my age are supposed to be doing (i.e. going to arcades, watching movies). When I do go to the mall, I prefer going with my family, who are as boring and lame as I am. We go to the pet stores and to the second-hand bookstores and to that part in Limketkai Mall that houses those booths that come from Divisoria.

. . .

So it's 12:37 in the morning, and WTH am I doing still up? Well, nothing. Like I said, I spend a LOT of time on the Internet. So much that I can't tear myself away from this keyboard, close the lid of my laptop and go to sleep.

How's my sembreak going so far, you ask? Well, great. Of course. It's just like any other vacation. But I guess what makes this vacation different for me is that my relatives have started calling me a Manila girl. :|

Manila girl. :|

That just sounds so lame (no offense to girls from Manila). I most definitely am NOT a Manila girl! Four months I've spent living in the capital of the Philippines, and I've returned the same old Kagay-anon I was when I left. Granted, I'm a tad bit older and wiser (and chubbier - hey, Manila food is good!), but I'm essentially the same socially awkward, Nancy Drew-playing dork that you've come to know and love. Hahaha.

. . .
In other news, happy birthday to my cousin Patrick!

And, look! You can now Cornify this lame blog!

Cornify <--- click to pile on the happy!


  1. Unicorn Lover 3000Friday, October 22, 2010


  2. Hey Aimee, this is MJ =)
    Remember I asked you if we could go out some time..
    You free next week, maybe a dinner date?
    For old friends sake ;p

  3. Unicorn Lover 3000Friday, October 22, 2010


  4. NO!!!! Why the Unicorns? Why the Happy?!! MY EYES!!!

  5. double rainbow OMG

  6. Hihihi AIMEE. have I ever told you how much I love your blog? POST ZOOOME PICS OF CDO!!!:>

  7. hi aimee. :"> miss you so much :">

  8. Unicorn Lover 3000: I am soooo digging your username :))

    MJ: Hey! Let's catch up some time. Sent you a Facebook message.

    Andy: Don't worry. Be happy.

    Rap: It's so intense, isn't it?

    Tin: OHTHANKYOUSOMUCHTIN! Yes, I'll definitely have to some time. :))

    Anon: I miss you so much too :">


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