
Okay, one last post, and then I'll stop using up a perfectly good Saturday afternoon browsing the Internet to go hunch over a notebook and a calculator and solve logarithmic functions instead. Something's just been really bugging me lately.

I was surfing through Facebook when I stumbled upon this site. Go check it out before reading any further.

See, what this business does is they take random pendants (erasers, highlighters, toys) and then attach them to chains and then pass them off as accessories, displaying them online for the typical Manila college student to gawk at and exclaim at and then scramble over to buy.

What I don't get is how these necklaces, which are basically just plastic army toys dangling from a chain, are able to sell for P140 a piece. P140! That's exactly four (delicious) rice meals from Happy Homes.

. . .
On a related note, I keep telling my friend Jason on the rare occasions we go to malls together how stupid I think branding is. Take a plain white shirt and then attach to it a Nike/Addidas/Topman/Forever 21 brand tag and people will go stark raving mad over it, nevermind if it costs P900.

Louis Vuitton. Gucci. Prada.
Rolex watches can sell for more than P250,000.


I'm not fashion-savvy myself, but I guess I can understand why people like dressing up in these clothes: it's an outlet of self-expression, it's a confidence-booster, it's a lifestyle, yeah yeah yeah. I get it. But, why spend SO MUCH on clothes you could get for cheap at Greenhills?

The only reason I can think of is the quality. I mean, it's given that the more expensive something is, the more durable it seems. We assume that a pair of jeans from Guess will last longer than a pair from Divisoria. The thing is, I just don't think this is the case for some people, who empty their wallets over expensive clothes for the simple reason that they're expensive clothes.

And to think that some people in this world barely have enough money to afford to eat twice a day.

Brands suck.

No, wait. That's not a fair statement. To put it more accurately:

Big. snobby, rich clothing brands suck.

Anyone here agree? Whether or not you do, I recommend reading "The Gospel According to Larry" by Janet Tashijan, a short book about a 17-year-old named Josh who "preaches" against anti-consumerism on the Internet. Meh, it sounds really lame when I summarize it like that, but I swear it's not lame.

Okay, I'm done ranting now. Time to get back to Math. Later, everybody.


  1. u're right, as always! people will buy anything as long as the packaging is right, like, if the likes of Kris Aquino or Angelina Jolie are endorsing it, di ba?

  2. Ateneo is in a way is a brand ;)

  3. Buying branded goods is sometimes advantageous. People tend to take you more seriously if you wear or use branded products.I have a friend who is in the construction business. He bought an expensive SUV. When I asked him why, he said it gives him credibility, especially with clients.

  4. I don't look at the brand if it looks good I wear it. I'm saying this though I have some branded clothes in my closet. >:D Just kidding. We used GCs for that not real money. :D

  5. mom: Yeah! Packaging counts. Like the bottled water at Missy Bon Bon. It sells for P45 :|

    Anon: I couldn't agree more!

    Dad: Yeah, that's true. You get plus points and all that.

    But, come on. We're in college, we don't have clients yet!

    Andy: :-bd

  6. Yo Ach, those freestyle necklaces were pretty ugs.
    My friend keeps complaining about how her pricy and expensive Make-You-Own Havaianas are soooooooo "pangit". Geez. She made it herself so you'd think she'd choose colors she LIKED but noooooooooooooooooooooo.
    People get to do that when they're rich.

  7. Hey Ach, in the cloud of words part, how come Jigs and Dad are there but important people like me and Mom aren't there?

  8. GET BLUED! Hahaha free endorsement, much. :))

    Cait: YEAH, MAN. Insanely ugs. And jeez. Some people don't have any slippers at all. Some people don't even have feet.

    And, I dunno, Cait. Seriously. How am I supposed to answer that without sounding mean ._.


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