random picture of the day

Check these out! Collectible Boys of Block XX playing cards! (I mean the playing cards are collectible, not the boys.)

And, no, they're not really playing cards. They're just cut-out pieces of cardboard with pictures of two different Block XX boys pasted onto each one of them. They're supposed to be played like dominoes, where you a line up the pieces in such a way that the same pictures are adjacent to each other. In this case, you line up the cards so that a boy's face is right... next to... his own face. :|

Right. Anyway.

It was Jani, Karl, Arthur, Deo and Andy's group that came up with this idea for their report in Chemistry. It was all about stoichiometry, the study of the quantities involved in chemical reactions, which you probably don't care about, so I better stop yapping about it now k thx bye.

(scheduled post)


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