
Checkitawt! That's me and Rap with Arnold Arre, director, illustrator, writer. He was the guest speaker at Kapelikula, a Loyola Film Circle event with free coffee, free donuts, and a ONE-ON-ONE SESSION WITH ARNOLD ARRE!!!

Okay, I can't pretend like I'm a big fan of his, because before his name had ever come up at the Film Circle, I didn't know who he was or what he did. And to pretend like I AM a big fan of his would just be insulting to all his genuine fans who have read his work and watched his films.

But anyway. He was a really nice guy. This one LFC kid actually asked Mr. Arre to draw him (the kid) on his(the kid's) copy of Mythology Class (the book), and he (Mr. Arre) happily obliged.

. . .
I was glad to have been able to play a part in this event, and not just as a participant, but also as the coffee-buyer. (proud face) Yeahhh. You heard me. I bought the coffee. That was all my doing. :D

It wasn't easy, but I managed. How could I not, when the tremendous task of buying the actual coffee to be sipped by the actual members of the LFC rested on my shoulders, and on my shoulders alone? They were counting on me for their coffee. I had a duty to fulfill. I had to rise to the occasion.

And let me tell you, all the obstacles I had to overcome - phew - they were taxing, and many in number. But they were mere speed bumps on my path to coffee victory.

There was the mentally and emotionally exhausting task of actually deciding which brand to pick. Great Taste? Jimms? Oh, which one? Which one? Which one should I pick to provide maxiumum taste out of minimum budget? OH LORD, HELP ME! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!

In the end, I settled on Nescafe 3-in-1, having deduced right in the nick of time that the 3-in-1 will save the LFC money on creamer and sugar, thereby saving the LFC, thereby I am awesome. Where would you guys be without me? :D

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Hahahahha. I hope you guys realize I'm just kidding about making a big deal about that coffee thing. Yes, I have to point this out, so that even the most sarcastically-challenged of minds will not get the wrong impression of me.

. . .

I'm really loving the LFC. It's the one organization I'm giving my heart and soul to.

...and I'm really tired, and this blog sucks, and good night.

(scheduled post)


  1. hi! have a happy weekend. Keep blogging!

  2. awww! thank you so much! drop by often :D (if you like. you don't have to.)


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