Box O' Rice

To be honest, I don't even remember if it's called Box OF Rice, or Box O' Rice.

I hope it's Box O' Rice. It just sounds cooler that way.

But anyway. I went there last Friday for dinner, and it was my first time there. It's a cozy little place right next to my dorm, and they serve exactly what their name implies: boxes of rice.

Boxes of rice with toppings, of course. Emphasis on the word "boxes." Which means there are no plates involved. Which means you can bring the boxes in and out of the store as you please. I should've noted this earlier, because I embarrassed myself at the counter, telling the cashier TWICE that I wanted my box of rice "to go."

Durrr. Boxed na. To go pa.

Anyway, the food itself is good, for P60-P70 priced meals. My only complaint is that their meat-to-rice ratio needs a bit more tweaking. There's just so much rice, and so little of anything else! That's Pinoy portioning for you.

Actually, the store don't sell much else. It's just rice, and a whole variety of toppings. There's no dessert or side dishes or anything. Pretty straightforward.

But if I had to pick between paying P70 for a meal there and paying P35 for a meal from Happy Homes (which is this extremely convenient home kitchen that makes and delivers food to dormers for P35), I'd pick Happy Homes. The only reason I would go to Box O' Rice would probably to watch TV and enjoy the aircon.

. .

The night I took this picture, I stayed at Box O' Rice for more than an hour, watching the news. I don't have a TV in my room, and besides the one in the main office and the tiny itsy bitsy black-and-white one by the guard station, there aren't any TV's in the dorm.

So it was a lot of fun getting to watch the news for the first time in, what, two months. Now, if only Box O' Rice had free wi-fi, and was open 24/7... and had cozy sofas... and unicorns...

(scheduled post)


  1. Aimee! Have you been to Wok Dis Way? ::D
    it's also in the katips area, in a dark corner (seriously) near McDo.


    alex: cant help commenting. I've been there na!:)) yes, its in a dark corner.O.O HAHAHA!

  3. sandy: Yeah, I heard! I've seen that place. Sarap ba? I'm scared to go there alone :))

    Jase: Yeah, I know how much you love that place! And, this "alex" you're referring to? that's sandy :))

  4. i remembered angge likes that place too! Daphne and Angge were talking about Celio's donuts or something, along Katipunan, near starbucks. better than gonuts donuts daw. bring some when you come home, dear.

  5. hey mom! yeah, i remember that. jason loves that place too. actually, a lot of the ateneo dormers do. it's free delivery man gud. hehe.

    cello's donuts, yeah. i went there once. wasted P30 on a cheese donut ._. not good. but the peanut butter flavored oen was really good! i can't say it's better than gonuts though. but if that's what you want, okie dokie! more convenient for me to pick up a box, too. it's along katipunan lang :)

    from my previous trip to cagayan, by the way, i learned that the airport over-overprices gonuts.

  6. chocolate flavored donuts lang fore, dear!

  7. i meant for me. damned typo.

  8. DAAAAAAAAAAAD! You said "damned" :O

  9. Strawberry-flavored donuts it is for you then! Bwahahhaaha!

  10. hey! no strawberry donuts for me. u know how i hate those damned things. (oh, oh, there goes that word again!)

  11. =)) all the capinpuyan's have the same sense of humor!! =))

  12. dad: DADDY! think of the children! :O

    "anonymous": Don't say that! I think mine's more evolved than the rest :))


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