my first A

OH YEAH!!! At long last, I've finally gotten an A on something: an essay for Filipino! I now get this nice medal stamped on my paper. Ahh, it fills me with pride.

Now, back to studying Chemistry!


  1. Congrats, dear!!! Reminds me of how it felt to get an A. (But then again, i got so many, i forgot how it felt NOT to get an A) mwehehehe!

  2. Hahaha! I'm surprised you still have time to check this blog, what with all the reminiscing you've been doing lately! Haha. Thanks dad! I'm hoping for a nice, big, fat juicy A on tomorrow's Chemistry exam! \m/

  3. wow! well done, Bea! stay focused always. hope you are enjoying your stay there in Manila xxx

  4. Awww thank you Auntie Rach! Yeah, I'll do my best! Thanks for dropping by :)

  5. Appease me again write another post! XD Itll make up for the My Chemical Romance misunderstanding :D

  6. Hahahaha! You are truly an inspiration, Polite and Kind Anonymous commenter.

  7. hi aimee! I'm sorry I only read this now. :)) but I just had an philosophical eureka moment about the history repeating itself thing.

    I think it means that we can only stand and watch history repeat itself and we can do nothing about it. :)) yun lang! *bow*

  8. ay wait, fail. I commented on the wrong post. =))

  9. hey cheryl :)) yeah, i was wondering what the connection was between history and this :))

    pero, hey! awesome point! you just had an epiphany B-)


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