OH YEAH!!! At long last, I've finally gotten an A on something: an essay for Filipino! I now get this nice medal stamped on my paper. Ahh, it fills me with pride.
Hahaha! I'm surprised you still have time to check this blog, what with all the reminiscing you've been doing lately! Haha. Thanks dad! I'm hoping for a nice, big, fat juicy A on tomorrow's Chemistry exam! \m/
Like I mentioned in my last post, I got married!!! However, because of this stupid capitalist system that prioritizes worker productivity over well-being, we didn't have enough leaves saved up to go on a long enough vacation. So, we did something kinda crazy... And quit both our jobs at the same time. I know, I know, it's such a stupid decision to both quit at the same time. But really, if we hadn't done it, when would we ever have had the time to just go travel and enjoy our lives?! I had already consumed all my vacation leaves by going on my wedding and then our hometown reception, and Rap's work as an infirmary doctor did not allow him to take more than a couple days off at a time. So, we quit. And, using some of the money we got as gifts from our wedding, we were able to spend 12 amazing days in Japan. Here's what we did. Day 0 Flight to Tokyo Check-in at Shibuya Do side quests Dinner with Tita Baby and Tito Mak Our Tokyo trip was off to a bumpy takeoff whe...
Tuesday This was my face last Tuesday, on the LRT coming from UST and on the way to ASMPH. I was being pouty because I was really looking forward to having my IV infusion done, but my doctor told me I would have to wait at least a month to finish prophylaxis. Because my skin test result indicated TB exposure, and they don't want me catching TB, even though my chest x-ray shows negative TB. Blarghhhhhh. Rap was with me again. Great guy, this guy. He suggested that we commute to ASMPH to get fitted for our uniforms in order not to put a good day to waste. So that we did. Speaking of ASMPH... Monday Monday was the start of TranSumm (transition summer) for us Year Level 5 kids. We're called YL5 because our four years of premed are supposed to be the YLs 1, 2, 3, and 4. (I like this system because it makes me feel closer to finally becoming a doctor.) There are some 166 people in my batch, if I'm not mistaken, and we're a diverse bunch. There are people fr...
It's kind of funny to me that my last post was published around this time last year, and I've just been radio silent since then. And it wasn't even a legit blog post, just something I had written for a job application and decided to publish because I am lazy. It's absurd that SO many blog-worthy things have happened over the course of a year, and yet I've been quiet as a rock. So, to recap: January - Attended the most lovely anniversary party of my lolo and lola in CDO. It was extra special because Rap was in CDO with me for the holidays for the first time ever, and he got to spend time with my grandparents and my big family. Two weeks later, Lola unexpectedly passed away from a stroke. Such painful contrast of extreme joy and grief that I'm still grappling with today. December 24 - Noche Buena at our grandparents' home in CDO. The OG CDO cousins - and Rap! December 27 , 2023- Lolo and Lola's 65th anniversary at Harbor Lights. Obligatory Tumpakners w...
Congrats, dear!!! Reminds me of how it felt to get an A. (But then again, i got so many, i forgot how it felt NOT to get an A) mwehehehe!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I'm surprised you still have time to check this blog, what with all the reminiscing you've been doing lately! Haha. Thanks dad! I'm hoping for a nice, big, fat juicy A on tomorrow's Chemistry exam! \m/
ReplyDeletewow! well done, Bea! stay focused always. hope you are enjoying your stay there in Manila xxx
ReplyDeleteAwww thank you Auntie Rach! Yeah, I'll do my best! Thanks for dropping by :)
ReplyDeleteAppease me again write another post! XD Itll make up for the My Chemical Romance misunderstanding :D
ReplyDeleteHahahaha! You are truly an inspiration, Polite and Kind Anonymous commenter.
ReplyDeletehi aimee! I'm sorry I only read this now. :)) but I just had an philosophical eureka moment about the history repeating itself thing.
ReplyDeleteI think it means that we can only stand and watch history repeat itself and we can do nothing about it. :)) yun lang! *bow*
ay wait, fail. I commented on the wrong post. =))
ReplyDeletehey cheryl :)) yeah, i was wondering what the connection was between history and this :))
ReplyDeletepero, hey! awesome point! you just had an epiphany B-)