letters from GMA

Guess who just got a letter from Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

It arrived in the mail this morning (two of them actually), and we were like, “WTH?!”

We thought that it was obviously a fake, because it was spelled “Malacañan” and not “Malacañang,” but when I checked the Internet, it turns out that Malacañan is the official English name of the Palace!

Weird. How come I never knew that? x_x

Anyway, the letter makes references to a government scholarship of some sort. My dad says it’s probably just GMA’s way of saying, “Hey. I GAVE you that scholarship, so LIKE ME, you effin ingrate!

But you know what I’m thinking?

Anthraaaaax! :O


  1. hey, that's cool! i think you might be one of GMA's handpicked presidential scholars - and yeah, the "organization" handling them exists. why'd you get two though?

  2. Really, Ate San? Nawww, couldn't be. The letter was pretty vague man. I think it was because of my DOST scholarship.
    Haha I have no idea why we got two! Did you get one of these also? :)

  3. naaaah, no way! i've never had any scholarships, haha ::D maybe it IS about your DOST scholarship.


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