
I'm sorry I've broken my promise to post here daily. I know that not being in the mood is no excuse, and that my pillow probably has more willpower than I do.

I's just that lately, I've been feeling so... teenager-ish. Hormonal, like everybody else is, and ordinary, like everybody else is.

If I were sub-ordinary... Now, that wouldn't be a problem at all, because when you're not normal, you're either two things: awesome, or crazy. And being any of the two would be perfectly fine with me.

These days, I'm feeling more and more like a piece of stepped-on excrement that's being dragged around on the sidewalk on a hot summer day.

I hate my sissy girl feelings. I hate feeling like I need to lose weight. I hate feeling fat and ugly and worthless. I hate hating. The list of Things I Don't Like About Myself goes on, trust me, but I'm doing you a favor by sparing you from the gruesome details.

Curse you, hormones. You deserve damnation.


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