guess who's back (cheezy reference!)

Hello blogdom! After a one-week hiatus, here I am again, ready to pollute the Internet once more with my pointless musings.

If you read my previous post, you will learn that I went to Manila last week to settle a few things at my new college, and to see what there is to see.

So what is there to see in the Big M? (P.S., Manila is called the "Big Mango" daw - a Pinoy spin on New York, the "Big Apple") Well, I'll tell you some other post because frankly, I'm just too tired right now.

Booo. Hissss.

Can you blame me? It's been such a big past week. And I'm not just talking about Manila.

See, my sister and I tweaked the lyrics of Tik Tok by Ke$ha to fit into presidentiable Noynoy Aquino's point of view, and it was so lame and crazy that I just had to post it on my Tumblr.

When I checked it just now, I was blown away - 1,027 notes! In layman's terms, that's the equivalent of 1,207 reactions (on Tumblr, you can either "like" a post or "reblog" a.k.a. repost it on your Tumblog)

Crazy. This morning, I had only 27 followers, and now - 66!

So strange, the Internet, and yet, so wonderful.

Tik Tok by Noynoy Aquino

Wake up in the morning thinking of Shalani

Grab my glasses, I’m out the door, I’m gonna hit the rally

Before I leave, pick a shirt that’s yellow and black

Cuz when I leave for the night I ain’t comin back

I’m talking, leading in all the polls, polls

Trying out yellow clothes, clothes

Media blowin up my phones, phones

Drop toppin’, scolding my sister’s baby

For cryin out Manny V, V

Tryin to get some popularity

Don’t stop, make it pop

Voters vote Aquino up

Tonight, Laban sign

Till the yellow sunrise

Tik tok, on the clock

But the rally don’t stop, no

Noy noy no-oy, Noy noy no-oy


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