a re-introduction

For those of you who have just tuned in - Hello! My name is Aimee and this is my blog, which you may or may not have found by accidentally clicking a link somewhere on Yahoo! Answers.

See, I originally inteded for this blog to be a documentation of my life when I move to Manila for college ("Oh, that explains the strange header!"), but right now I'm still home in Cagayan de Oro City, so there's nothing much going on yet ("Oh, and that explains the nonsensical posts!").

My flight to Manila is on June Something. (Sorry, but I don't feel very comfortable with disclosing the date and time of my flight on the Internet. It's not that I don't trust you, dear, sweet reader - it's just that I fear the information will be put to malicious use by some creep who knows how to make a liquid bomb.)

Anyway, that's about it. My sister's downstairs yelling that it's time for lunch. I shall now leave you with the Random Picture of the Day.

It's not very clear, but that is a fishball stand in a Manila MRT station called Happy Balls.


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