flurry of a day

I woke up early today so that I could hitch a ride with my mom to the National Statistics Office. (I need to submit my original birth certificate to confirm my slot at AdMU... The deadline was last Saturday!)

It was just eight in the morning, but when we got there, there was a huge crowd - no, mob - of people gathered both inside and outside the building. The place was packed.

After filling out a couple of forms that the guard gave us, an NSO worker stapled a priority number to our papers (see picture at left.)

#484. Hmm, that couldn't be too bad. After all, this place has been open since six in the morning, I thought.

"What number are you serving now?" my mom asked the NSO guy.


. . .

My mom dropped me off at the McDonald's near Limketkai Mall, where I'd spend an hour eating ice cream before heading off to Ketkai, which opens only at ten. Then I'd hitch a ride with her back to NSO to check if, by any chance, the line's drawing nearer to 484, and then we'd be on our way home for lunch.

Anyway. The good news is, my dad and I went back to the NSO office (or, should I say, NS Office) earlier. My dad offered to pick up my papers for me instead and told me I should go home. By the time I left they were already serving #410...

...The bad news is, I'm craving for another McFlurry.

(P.S. You have no idea how many times I've edited and republished this post just to get the picture dimensions right. And I'm still not satisfied with them!)


  1. Blogger friends told me they offer requests online but I'm not sure about the details. That would be convenient.. less hassle. I'm glad I still have the papers with me. I thought I lost it and was planning to go to NSO. I could have experienced the same as you did. Hope you get your McFlurry. LOL.

  2. P.S. I'm linking to your site! http://pinoyexp.com right? :)


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