
I went back to my beloved alma mater this afternoon to request for Form 137 and a Certificate of Good Moral Character, the two things I need to submit to ADMU to confirm that I'm going there.

I was waiting in line behind two moms to see Ms. Castilio, the school registrar whom I've really come to love this school year, when I look to my left and see my classmate Jan walking in with his trademark trucker cap and Jesus Christ pin.

Jan is one of the only two people I know who have turned down the opportunity to study in the University of the Philippines (Diliman!) in favor of schooling at Xavier University. I know, he's crazy. But he's also one of the most intelligent people I know, so I'm pretty sure that he's going to outshine his classmates whichever college he decides to go to (just like he outshined me. Hahahahaha!)

The reason he's going to Xavier is that XU Nursing students top the board exams, and he aspires to become a great doctor one day...

But you know what, I'll just save that story for another post. You'll get to know more about Jan and my other awesome classmates in due time :)

Anyway, I'll just wrap things up quick. I've got a Nancy Drew ISO file in here with an embedded .cue and .bin files in need of unpacking (down, Inner Nerd, down!).

You know what, I think the whole reason I started writing this post was so that I could share this pic I took on my phone:

It's from the guidance counselor's office. Those two dinosaurs are facing each other because of me :3

Hahaha. Sorry I'm not making sense anymore. Like I said, this Nancy Drew ISO file is quite a distraction. I'll be coherent tomorrow :)


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