Covid Diaries #2

Well this is awkward.

I started this "series" thinking I'd be updating this blog every day during my 14-day quarantine, since I had nothing much else to do. But here we are, on Day 11, and this is only my second (and probably final) post, since I ended up having a lot of more interesting things to do than update this blog. Whoopsie. 

So as it turns out, I'm really enjoying my quarantine. Once I'd processed my grief and anguish, once I'd come to fully believe that it's nobody's fault, once I'd seen all my close contacts were safely in their respective quarantine facilities and were being looked after, I started to feel a lot better, both physically and emotionally.

My daily routine consists of the following:
  • Wake up, make my bed.
  • Make coffee. The tedious way, with a hand grinder and a french press. I have about two cups.
  • Sweep the floors, clean the dishes, tend to my plants while listening to a podcast
  • Play the ukelele
  • Cook lunch
  • Eat lunch
  • Sweep the floors, clean the dishes, take out the garbage
  • By this time it's already 1 or 2 PM. I then lie on my bed (at the very edge so as not to mess up the sheets) and scroll through Facebook or Messenger, daydreaming about all the fun stuff I'll get to do during my brief period of natural immunity immediately after I "recover" from Covid 
  • Attempt to attend random webinars and meetings but eventually give up because my internet sucks
  • Get a caffeine crash from all the coffee I drank in the morning, and spend an hour or two immobilized on the bed feeling like I'm having a heart attack (The feeling is soon forgotten and I'm back to chugging coffee the next morning)
  • Play 4 or 5 games of chess online
  • Make dinner
  • Eat dinner
  • Sweep the floors, clean the dishes
  • Take a bath
  • Watch TV 
  • Skin care (i.e. adapalene gel to keep my face human-looking)
  • Go to bed
On this last topic, it's a little funny because at the start of my quarantine, I'd made a big fuss about buying antihistamine pills that would help me fall asleep. But (aside from that one night I stayed up playing chess until 4 AM), I've had no trouble going to sleep. I'm usually out by 11 or 12 PM. So now I have like 20 Benadryls just sitting around in a pouch somewhere, totally untouched, which I'll save for a rainy day.

. . . 

OMG I just got a brilliant idea for a new blog about public health, so I'll end this post here so I can get on it and ride this caffeine-powered creative wave before it all comes crashing down on me in the end.

Til the next time.
Pinggang Pinoy but make it classy.

This selfie was brought to you by adapalene


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