
Showing posts from April, 2021

Covid Diaries #2

Well this is awkward. I started this "series" thinking I'd be updating this blog every day during my 14-day quarantine, since I had nothing much else to do. But here we are, on Day 11, and this is only my second (and probably final) post, since I ended up having a lot of more interesting things to do than update this blog. Whoopsie.  So as it turns out, I'm really enjoying my quarantine. Once I'd processed my grief and anguish, once I'd come to fully believe that  it's nobody's fault, once I'd seen all my close contacts were safely in their respective quarantine facilities and were being looked after, I started to feel a lot better, both physically and emotionally. My daily routine consists of the following: Wake up, make my bed. Make coffee. The tedious way, with a hand grinder and a french press. I have about two cups. Sweep the floors, clean the dishes, tend to my plants while listening to a podcast Play the ukelele Cook lunch Eat lunch Sweep th...

Covid Diaries #1

So I'm just gonna come right out and say it: I got Covid. It's been four days since my positive result, and I'm still in shock, trying to come to terms with the immense guilt and grief that comes with having to tell all my close contacts.  What's the best way to tell someone you've possibly infected them and they have to spend the next 14 days in isolation? By just doing it. As soon as humanly possible. What's the best way to process inner turmoil and not allow grief to consume you while in quarantine? I don't know. And I would love to hear your suggestions. So this is my way of coping, I guess. Writing. However vaguely.  And making quarantine arrangements for the people I've possibly infected.   And allowing anxious thoughts to grate against the inside of my brain, repeatedly, with much force, as if the constant friction could wipe my mind clean like rubber on graphite.  And trying to block out those thoughts by playing online chess. (If you're int...