Elephant in the room

To address the elephant in the room: I recently got transferred out of Gigaquit. 

I'm sure you're thinking: what, why, what happened, omg so soon, huhu. But trust me, while the news is extremely heartbreaking, I believe this was the right choice for me. 

During my brief time there I truly believed that I was the luckiest Doctor to the Barrio (DTTB). I had a great and dependable set of staff. A super supportive boss who eventually became my mentor (and grandfather to my newly adopted puppy). An LGU that was so easy to work with. I even found a second family there in the form of my landlady/foster mom. 

Twice I'd run into problems on the road and needed to be rescued. Each time, random people offered their help, without me even asking. They even refused when I insisted on paying them.

The people of Gigaquit are truly something else. I don't know if I'll ever be so lucky to be assigned somewhere with their same energy. They set the bar pretty high. 

And I can't even begin to describe the incredible views.

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I was very comfortable and happy in my area. It felt like home. 

But if there's anything I learned from my brief but meaningful experience in Gigaquit, it's that my own safety and wellbeing should always come first. There can be no compromises. Many people tried to persuade me to stay. To wait, to be patient, to tolerate, to ignore, to forgive. Being a mild-mannered indecisive person, I was certainly tempted to.

But deep inside, my gut was telling me it was time to leave. (It was also telling me to eat more fiber. Haha.) 

It's been 4 days since I left, and while I miss Gigaquit every day, I still believe I made the right call. 

Now, onwards and upwards. 


  1. Good job! Good decision! Good luck! ��❤️��

  2. Whyyyy pls update us :'(

  3. Hope you'll update na ur blog. God bless and tc always!


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