The results for the scholarship deliberations are out.

My scholarship has been denied.

Don't know what to do, but I know I just want to eat McFlurries and lie in bed and watch cat videos and not think about the future. 


  1. Oh that's sad to hear! I am sorry :(. How does the scholarship for med studetns in Ateneo works? Just curious.

    1. Well, same as most other med schools. You apply, a committee reviews your application, and if you qualify, you get interviewed.

  2. Hello, currently an ASMPH financial aid scholar here.. I was researching asmph scho when i stumbled upon this entry. May I ask why you were denied mid-stay? Did you ever get it back? So sorry I am just worried.

    1. Short answer is, the funding ran out. Never got it back, sadly, and my parents had to scramble to find ways to support my studies. :<


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