Independent thoughts

I'm really happy at how my birthday turned out. (Okay, it's been 3 weeks since then, but because it was the hell-iest of hell weeks, I never did get to write about it.) Caitlin, who was supposed to be on vacation and at home, stayed a week longer in Manila to catch my birthday dinner. Dad and Jigs who were in Manila for other business also stayed for a couple extra days. And mom, who was (and is) really busy with work actually flew all the way in on the day itself.

We had a simple dinner at Bannaple in Robinson's Galleria, and my family just ordered a freaking salad because they had just eaten Fill-Up boxes from KFC for merienda. Hay naku. Anyway, Rap joined us for dinner. The last time my family and he were together was during our joint graduation dinner in 2014! And at the end of the day, they dropped us home (yeah, from Galleria) and unveiled to me an armful of birthday presents: a thermos, a cat pillow, a new bag, a cactus necklace, and bluetooth earphones. Good haul, people. Good haul.

I forgot to mention that all throughout the day, batchmates were greeting me, and even sang to me twice. Which I actually really appreciated. Every year, I always spend my birthday at home with my family. But this year, because of the calendar shift, I had to spend it taking two comprehensive exams with my batch. So it's the first time that anyone outside my family has actually, in-person greeted me on my actual birthday! Wee! That day is definitely one more memory in my happy bank.

I forgot to mention also that the night before my birthday, Rap was excited to give me his present, but couldn't give it yet because it wasn't wrapped (and he had no wrapping paper). I suggested he make one, which he did. He wrapped it in some old transes, and then drew on some of my favorite things. Like a Giardia lamblia, with a speech bubble saying "You found me!" AWW! I do love Giardia (I mean, who doesn't!?).

The story behind it is one time, in Parasitology lab, I accidentally found a Giardia lamblia when I was looking at an Entamoeba slide. I snapped a pic, showed it to my groupmates who thought it was cool, and then changed slides. Minutes later, Doc Migrino announced that there would be a surprise parastie scavenger hunt. Finding the rarer parasites earned you more points. In other words, finding a Giardia lamblia in your slide is the parasitology equivalent of catching the Golden Snitch - you win. Game over. That's it. So I frantically scanned the same slide with my microscope, trying to find that mythical Giardia. But never did I see it again.

End flashback. Now I'm at home, reaping the benefits of a 3-week vacation. Getting chubby. Eating pizza and ice cream. Neglecting my health as usual. Throwing caution to the wind.

Last week, I discovered this application on Steam called RPG Maker VX Ace. I randomly decided to try it out, and now I'm hooked. The app is basically what its name implies - it's a Role Playing Game Maker. Being a fan of RPGs myself, I'm pretty familiar with how RPGs go. You have a hero, some monsters, some friends, a leveling system, one ultimate mission, then boom - RPG.

My RPG is about med school. I know right, how creative. But it's a material I'm familiar with, so whatever. Just trying things out.

So far I'm having a lot of fun, especially with designing the maps. I spend at least 10 hours everyday on my laptop fiddling around with RPG Maker, I swear. It's addictive. And stressful. Very stressful. But it's the good stress. Eustress.

I feel like RPG-making is challenging me in ways I've never been challenged before. It's testing my creativity, writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving all at the same time! I quite enjoy it. I'm glad I didn't take on any summer jobs just so I can focus on this baby.

If I ever finish it, I might release it here. So stay tuned! Or not, because I never post anything anymore. Hehe. Oops.

PS. Thank you to the anonymous person (LAP?) who gave me that purple top with the Pusheen print! It's very cute! My sister is quite freaked that you found out her schedule though.


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