chickenpoxed thoughts

       Game of Thrones became very feminist very fast. I can't believe it. The rulers of the major houses are now women: Dany, Cersei, Ellaria Sand, Olenna Tyrell. Yara Greyjoy is staking her claim to the Iron Islands. Lyanna Mormont needs no introduction. Not to mention the amazing Stark girls (who don't admittedly rule House Stark but are still awesome anyway). Very, very surprising move. 

       When I started (being forced) to watch Game of Thrones, I had a hard time really getting myself into the story because I kept on dismissing it as another boys' fantasy thing. But NOW, I'm invested as heck. I think it's only right that women are dominating this season. It should have happened a long time ago. 

      I just finished this great PC game called "The Dark Eye: Memoria," or "Memoria" for short. The game tells the story of two characters, Sadja and Geron, whose exist in different times but are entangled in some weird tl;dr way. Sadja is a wonderful female character. She's strong, stubborn, cunning, and determined. She's a princess who sets out to join mankind's biggest battle against demons. In short, she's pretty damn amazing. 

     I bought the game on Steam for just 124 pesos, as part of a bundle of 5 games! Quite a steal. It's going down as one of my favorites, for sure. 

    Playing the game has inspired me to go and seek out more female-protagonist games. I've been a huge fan of the Nancy Drew series by HerInteractive ever since I was 12! The quality of their games does vary; I didn't care for "Labyrinth of Lies" but I loved "Sea of Darkness." I know I sound like such a massive geek right now. 

    Anyway, I got inspired by Memoria to play similarly empowering titles, and I found a bunch of promising ones on Steam. Don't know when I'll get around to buying them, let alone playing them. It always takes me a while to recover from a good game, as much as a good book. I don't like having to switch gears so quickly. And it's especially hard to leave a universe as enchanting as Memoria's.

    My chickenpox vesicles are now deflating like plastic balloons in the hands of an inexperienced ballooner. Still infectious though, so I'm still supposed to be quarantined at home. Although last night, against my better judgment, I went out to see a movie with my family. Finding Dory. We took the 8:30 PM screening at Centrio. I'm not particularly fond of Dory but I am fond of movie time with family. And it was a really good movie. Packed with thrills and laughs. Another great job, Disney!

   Well, that's about it. I was tempted to write something about work here, but I shall not. The aftertaste of Memoria is too sweet; I cannot allow something as bitter as work to taint it. 


  1. You've been having quite a few entries lately! I hope writing it made you happy as well as it did me. Heehee


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