chickenpoxed thoughts
Game of Thrones became very feminist very fast. I can't believe it. The rulers of the major houses are now women: Dany, Cersei, Ellaria Sand, Olenna Tyrell. Yara Greyjoy is staking her claim to the Iron Islands. Lyanna Mormont needs no introduction. Not to mention the amazing Stark girls (who don't admittedly rule House Stark but are still awesome anyway). Very, very surprising move. When I started (being forced) to watch Game of Thrones, I had a hard time really getting myself into the story because I kept on dismissing it as another boys' fantasy thing. But NOW, I'm invested as heck. I think it's only right that women are dominating this season. It should have happened a long time ago. I just finished this great PC game called "The Dark Eye: Memoria," or "Memoria" for short. The game tells the story of two characters, Sadja and Geron, whose exist in different times but are entangled in some ...