
It's been a stressful week. Okay, every week is a stressful week. But lately I've really been more stressed than usual. To the point that I think- no, I know - I'm getting burned out. 

The most distressing symptom of burnout is apathy. The past few days, my emotions have been blunted. I don't laugh as hard as I used to. I don't smile as much as before. The sad things don't make me so sad. The stupid things don't make me so angry. I still feel the #feels, but to a lesser degree.

It's my Obstetrics exam on Monday, and people say it's one of the hardest. Judging by the events of this week, I am not at all surprised. 

It's Friday night, and there's a huge, monstrous exam looming ahead. I cognitively know that I should be using tonight to study. There's so much to study.

But I also congitively know that I'm headed towards a burnout, and if I don't give myself a break first, the consequences on my mental health would be dire.

I guess it's just like physical health - when you're feeling sick, you need to rest.

I'm not feeling okay right now. 

I'm going to rest.


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