
Just wanted to mark this point in my life, where, in the span of one weekend, I
  1. Performed slam poetry for the first time, and actually won third place in the competition. Pretty big accomplishment for me since I'm terrified of being on stage, and I am really shy about showing my poetry to other people. I'm just a shy person so yay, +1 expression skill. 
  2. Am generally doing well in terms of writing. In a short amount of time I've written a poem, a section for our research review, and a feature article about turtles, and I've received good feedback. Feeling very good about this. Never fancied myself a writer; always thought I never used fancy enough words. But this is good. This means I'm on the right track.
  3. Bonded with a group of people during Pawikan Weekend. Quite an unlikely bunch, if I do say so myself, because it was composed of two people I had never met before, one person from the batch ahead of me, and three classmates. Again, I'm very shy, but I forgot all about that this weekend. And we got to see two mother turtles lay their eggs! 
  4. Am well-rested for the first time in months. This module is very light (hello, we only had one class today and we'll have only two tomorrow), plus there was no Monday exam, so YES I had the weekend to chillax. On the beach. With friends. And turtles. Hooray!
And in general...
  1. I'm making progress with Rap's cat, Iming. She never used to let me hold her for very long but now she doesn't complain when I pick her up. Cat cuddles ftw.
  2. Tsubibo is done and it feels great to get that thing over with. The screening got off to a rocky start but the movie has been receiving positive reviews. (Read the latest one here.)
  3. The semester is rolling to a close. Yes, rolling, like a gentle wave meeting the shore. Lots of chill time. I'm not used to this feeling of being NOT stressed. It feels... good. Really good. 
Overall mood: Good 
Overall stress: Low
Overall happiness: High
Overall satisfaction with life direction: High


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