weird dream

Had a weird dream last night. There was some sort of event happening in the Kong Hua gym and Rap  was there, entertaining some Taiwanese people. It was raining hard (I think a callback to that scene in Pride and Prejudice, which I watched yesterday), and when I went outside the premises of the school, the beach was suddenly there. More scary is that from the beach, I was standing before this massive wave that towered over the whole city. It gets weirder: The ocean was perfectly still, as if someone had hit pause on the world, and the towering wave was actually not wave-shaped but a perfect 3D oblong. And there was lightning inside. Real-life physics obviously do not apply in dreams.

Anyway, there was a group of people floating next to the wave, a bunch of tourists who were sticking their hands into the suspended lightning-water oblong and playing with the lightning inside it, much as one would play with a plasma ball. On the ground was a guy in black, coaching them on how to touch the lightning, much like one would hire a guide when going rock-climbing.

I somehow understood that the tourists would mess something up and the world would unpause at any moment, so I had only a couple more seconds to warn everybody about the tsunami, and only a couple more seconds for everybody to evacuate. I wondered if warning anybody was going to make any ounce of difference.

So I ran back into the school, and there was this big promotional tent for a brand of mineral water. Inexplicably, I realized that I had the power to manipulate physics as well, so I dragged my hands over the surface of reality (like one would drag two fingers over the screen of a phone to navigate the user interface), causing the tent to fill with water. Presumably, I just solved the city's tsunami problem by displacing all that water into the tent. :I

Then the bell rang and I realized I was late for my next class, but I didn't know what that class was, so I made a mad dash for the library so I could check my schedule online. After a couple of wrong turns (take note that this "college" building was actually the building of my old school, Kong Hua), I found the library, and TR spotted me and asked me if I had done my homework. Apparently we were classmates, and the next class was Politics of Something with a Sir Jason Manaois (who is, I know, a real teacher of Psychology at Xavier University. And I apologize to anybody who happens upon this trivial post by Googling "Jason Manaois"). Anyway, I panic because of course I didn't do any homework, I WAS TOO BUSY SOLVING TSUNAMI CRISES DUH. But then she tells me what the actual homework is: using "gwapo" and "gwapa" in a sentence and memorizing those sentences as a "manifesto." WTF kind of college did I get myself into.

And then I woke up and Dad was watching the UFC championships. 


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