woman of the house

             My baby brother Jiggy has gotten quite older and bigger since I last mentioned him in this blog. He's turning 14 now, and he's now the tallest in all my family. The skinny kind of tall, the kind that can be better described as "lanky."

            What's been bothering me is that my parents seem to think that just because he's 14 and tall, he has suddenly become a "man," and that somehow gives him the right to be the leader. Like when we go out, my dad tells Jiggy to protect me, my mom, and Caitlin (my sister). Which is totally absurd as Jiggy is no better a fighter than any of us in the family. And when Dad goes out of town, he appoints Jiggy as "the man of the house," a title which I absolutely despise. Yes, Dad's leaving does make Jiggy the man of the house in the sense that JIGGY IS THE SOLE MALE IN THE HOUSEHOLD. Being the sole male in a household does NOT immediately grant him a special leadership role in any way.

           Okay. Let me explain myself a bit more so that you see where I'm coming from. I'm the eldest among three siblings. Jiggy is the youngest. He's 14. Caitlin is the middle child. She's 17. And I'm 21. How do you expect a bumbling adolescent boy to be in a better position to lead than a grown, adult lady!? I just hate that my parents think that Jiggy can, just by virtue of his male-ness, do better than me at being the leader. Me! After all my seventeen years spent being somebody's older sister!

          Don't get me wrong. Jiggy indeed is a capable leader in his own right, and I really think he should be getting more responsibility. What I'm saying is it is by his own efforts, through hard work (i.e. working hard when he feels like it) and determination (i.e. wanting to get the proejct over with so that he can return to his games), Jiggy can become / is becoming a good leader. NOT by virtue of his male-ness alone. Being male does NOT make you a better leader ANY MORE than having blue eyes makes you a better dancer.

         Okay. I've run out of steam. I'm not actually as mad as I sound in this post. In fact, I'm quite calm right now. Feels good to let out some steam without my Facebook News Feed seeing. Big perk of taking my blog off the grid. Okay, til next post. 


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