Today was amazing for several reasons, namely because...
1. I got to sleep for ten consecutive hours. TEN!!! That's equivalent to the amount of sleep I get in three pre-exam days!!!
2. Those ten hours I got to sleep guilt-free, because I don't have any scary tests to study for or projects to cram. This weekend is an oasis in the middle of the harsh, desert wasteland that is med school.
3. I ate ice cream for breakfast, because I was enjoying my bed too much and I didn't want to leave the unit to get food (I must get my butt to the grocery soon). The ice cream was a mix of cookies and cream and coffee crumble, two of my most favorite flavors.
4. I got to design some fake posters for OBF (the ASMPH sem-ender party), which was extremely fun (mainly because I was under no pressure to make the posters look good.

5. Rap and I went out to catch a movie, our first time in I think two months. The last time we went out was to watch a Cinemalaya film called K'na the Dreamweaver (which totally sucked by the way) sometime back in August. Anyway! We got cheesy coffee from Happy Lemon and watched the last screening of Gone Girl. And wooooooo0000000oooooooow this movie will blow your mind. Seriously. Go watch it!!! Now!!!
6. I get to sleep in yet again tonight, because tomorrow is a free day for me too. My God, I am committed to enjoying the hell out of this wonderful weekend. I will cherish every second of my (relative) freedom.
Now that the semester is coming to a close, I'm starting to feel like I can breathe again. I feel as if I've spent the past five months chasing after trains, like I was always being left behind, struggling to catch my breath while the rest of my body slowly began to fall apart. What I realized is that what makes med school is not the difficulty of the lessons, but the volume. There's just a seemingly infinite body of knowledge to be learned, and you're given only a short, finite amount of time to get that knowledge in your head. Then you take a test and spew out whatever it is you may have retained. Then as the next module kicks in, you forget everything you learned and repeat the cycle. Repeat and repeat until you get moments like today, little breaks in the cycle when you don't feel like a lazy asshole for having spent your weekend doing things you love to do, instead of forcing yourself to study for next week's stuff.
(No, it isn't sem break for me yet, but I don't feel bad for chilling out this weekend. I have to, or else I'll burn out like an ant beneath a magnifying glass.)
Sorry, am I scaring you? Don't be scared. Med school is fun. Just remember to take the occasional breather. :)
1. I got to sleep for ten consecutive hours. TEN!!! That's equivalent to the amount of sleep I get in three pre-exam days!!!
2. Those ten hours I got to sleep guilt-free, because I don't have any scary tests to study for or projects to cram. This weekend is an oasis in the middle of the harsh, desert wasteland that is med school.
3. I ate ice cream for breakfast, because I was enjoying my bed too much and I didn't want to leave the unit to get food (I must get my butt to the grocery soon). The ice cream was a mix of cookies and cream and coffee crumble, two of my most favorite flavors.
4. I got to design some fake posters for OBF (the ASMPH sem-ender party), which was extremely fun (mainly because I was under no pressure to make the posters look good.

5. Rap and I went out to catch a movie, our first time in I think two months. The last time we went out was to watch a Cinemalaya film called K'na the Dreamweaver (which totally sucked by the way) sometime back in August. Anyway! We got cheesy coffee from Happy Lemon and watched the last screening of Gone Girl. And wooooooo0000000oooooooow this movie will blow your mind. Seriously. Go watch it!!! Now!!!
6. I get to sleep in yet again tonight, because tomorrow is a free day for me too. My God, I am committed to enjoying the hell out of this wonderful weekend. I will cherish every second of my (relative) freedom.
Now that the semester is coming to a close, I'm starting to feel like I can breathe again. I feel as if I've spent the past five months chasing after trains, like I was always being left behind, struggling to catch my breath while the rest of my body slowly began to fall apart. What I realized is that what makes med school is not the difficulty of the lessons, but the volume. There's just a seemingly infinite body of knowledge to be learned, and you're given only a short, finite amount of time to get that knowledge in your head. Then you take a test and spew out whatever it is you may have retained. Then as the next module kicks in, you forget everything you learned and repeat the cycle. Repeat and repeat until you get moments like today, little breaks in the cycle when you don't feel like a lazy asshole for having spent your weekend doing things you love to do, instead of forcing yourself to study for next week's stuff.
(No, it isn't sem break for me yet, but I don't feel bad for chilling out this weekend. I have to, or else I'll burn out like an ant beneath a magnifying glass.)
Sorry, am I scaring you? Don't be scared. Med school is fun. Just remember to take the occasional breather. :)
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