med school post #1

    Hello, little blog of mine. I'm sorry for having forsaken you, but the pressures of med school are quickly building up and there are not enough hours in a day. There is also not enough coffee in my cupboard, so thank you for reminding me to add it to my grocery list.

    Anyway, it's been about a month into med school. What's it like?

    There are exams every week (although maybe that's just for this month) and each exam covers what would normally, in college, be covered in a month. And in equal detail. I still have time to do things other than study, like exercise, tweet, or play the guitar. My roommates Bel, Micha, and Pat even take the time to cook their own meals (which I seldom have the patience for). Actually, Pat's currently doing a jigsaw puzzle whilst watching Miracle in Cell Number 6, Micha is napping, and Bel is playing the violin. My point: We all still have time to unwind.

    Context: we just had a killer exam earlier. Killer. I don't think I did well.
    Considering that I made a conscious effort to study every day last week, I'm really disappointed in myself. And when I think back to what could have possibly gone wrong, I think my biggest mistake was using sleepiness as an excuse. Last week, I would study until I felt really sleepy (which would be around 10 or 9:30), and then turn in, content that I had at least made some progress. I also kept telling myself that it's okay to sleep early because anyway, my brain can't function properly when it's tired. But then that meant I had to make up for all the lost study time on the weekends, where I would panic and cram (like most of my batchmates, I think).

    Resolution: When it's night and I'm feeling really tired, go to sleep and just wake up early (like around 4) to study then. And don't study in bed!!!

    By the way, I am happy to report that I have not done a treatment post in a while. That's because my body has been responding well to the methotrexate. I can touch my shoulders now, the morning pains aren't as bad, and I can nearly straighten my arm now! I'm really happy with the progress and I hope it only gets better from here.

    That's it for now. See you when I see you, bloggy.


  1. Hi! I've read your previous posts regarding Med school, Interviews and others. Just curious what specialization will you take? And how many years all in all, because I wanted to take Cardiology someday. Even though I am still a freshman in college and taking a pre-law course, I know. Haha thanks :)

    1. Hahaha so you're in a pre-law course planning to go to Medicine? Which course is that, if I may ask? :)

      When I entered med school I didn't really know what I wanted to specialize as, but now at the end of my first year, I'm getting more and more interested in Neurology. :)


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