ASMPH days


This was my face last Tuesday, on the LRT coming from UST and on the way to ASMPH. I was being pouty because I was really looking forward to having my IV infusion done, but my doctor told me I would have to wait at least a month to finish prophylaxis. Because my skin test result indicated TB exposure, and they don't want me catching TB, even though my chest x-ray shows negative TB. Blarghhhhhh.

Rap was with me again. Great guy, this guy. He suggested that we commute to ASMPH to get fitted for our uniforms in order not to put a good day to waste. So that we did.

Speaking of ASMPH...


Monday was the start of TranSumm (transition summer) for us Year Level 5 kids. We're called YL5 because our four years of premed are supposed to be the YLs 1, 2, 3, and 4. (I like this system because it makes me feel closer to finally becoming a doctor.)

There are some 166 people in my batch, if I'm not mistaken, and we're a diverse bunch. There are people from other universities like UP and La Salle, people who graduated from college two years ago, people who had weird pre-meds like Culinary Arts or Management Economics. Exciting!

TransSumm has gotten me hyped up for medicine. It definitely feels like I'm starting a whole new chapter of my life, as clichèd as the expression may be.

This is the only picture I have of myself from this day, and I only have it because Jeth insisted on taking it. We looked really cute together, he said.

Friday (yes I realize I'm not blogging in chronological order anymore)

Today is Friday. I went to attend another TranSumm class even though the first two weeks are not required for Health Sci people. I'm glad I did, because I got to know my YL5 groupmates better. I think these are the people I'll be dissecting with, doing transes with, working on projects with. They're all great people. I have a picture with them but it isn't on my phone. Hopefully Benj will upload it when he gets back from the batch bonding later (yes, my batch has batch bonding dates apparently).

Why am I at home blogging on a Friday night and not at the bonding? Or at Boracay with all the cool Ateneans, for that matter?

1. Today is Friday, which means I have to take methotrexate. (Can I just call it "meth" for short from now on?) I think it's making me tired. My doctor amped up my dose to four tablets this week, and next week it's going to be five.

2. There are plenty of lovely beaches in the Philippines that are not #LaBoracay. (God that hashtag annoys me.) There are many nice ones in CdO I can visit for free, and I'd rather be there, really.

Now I am off to reread The Ersatz Elevator. Yes, the sixth book of A Series of Unforunate Events. I loved this series as a kid but stopped reading at Book Six. Now that I'm bored and stuck at the dorm is the perfect time to revisit and finally complete the series. I'm reading at a rate of 1 book per 1.5 days, so I figure I shall get to the meaning of V.F.D. very, very soon.
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. good luck aimee!

  2. Good luck Aimee and Rap! :))

  3. We have different groups for dissection and thesis. They try to shuffle the groupings all the time :))

  4. Hi Aimee!! Been following your blog and I'm so glad you've written about the transition program! I'm planning to take med at ASMPH too and I really wanna know what that program is all about.. :) I will be waiting for everything that you will write next about it and basically about ateneo med. :)


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